CHRIS!! I fixed it!!! I just let Parallels know how I did it, but here's what I did and OMG I'm so happy, no more beeping!!!
I'm running Windows 8.1, which I default to boot to the Desktop.
From the desktop, I clicked on the Start button, and was brought to the Apps screen.
In the upper right corner, I clicked on the search magnifying glass to open the search window, then typed in 'PC Settings" to search
I clicked on "PC Settings", and on the left side, I clicked on "Ease of Access"
Under "Ease of Access", I clicked on the "Keyboard" option.
I noticed the "Toggle Keys" function was turned ON. It plays a tone when you press caps/num/scroll lock keys.
Since I always keep Num Lock on with my keyboard, every time I'd switch to the virtual desktop, it would act like it's seeing that I'm turning the Num Lock on.
Once I switched that off and restarted my Parallels, voila! No more beep!!! I'm SOOOO glad I finally found the resolution, it was driving me bonkers.
I hope this fixes it for you, fingers crossed, good luck!!!

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