Hi All, I have a disk block based Forth system that boots from a floppy on any PC that I have. I make an image of that floppy and it will not boot. I made a Windows 98 VM just fine and replaced the Win 98 floppy image with my bootable Forth image and when it tries to boot of the floppy image it says 'Trying to boot from Floppy drive...' forever. Curious, a boot sector is a boot sector and if it works on any PC why wouldn't it work as a Parallels floppy? I'm running Parallels 8.0.18354 on a Macbook Pro 17, i5, 8GB RAM, 512GB SSD running Mountain Lion. Any help or advise will be appreciated. Thank you
Progress, I think. The boot sector in my bootable Forth OS doesn't have any info from the 3rd byte to the 64th byte (I keep the floppy geometry at the end of the 2nd sector. So, I made these bytes of the boot sector the same as a stock 1.44 DOS floppy. Now it accesses the floppy and immediately crashed. The parallels log file is attached (change .txt to .log).
My pvm The offending pvm is attached. As I mentioned in my original post, TPW-RT.fdd boots on all PCs in my office. I would appreciate if anyone of you could take a few minutes to run this and give me hints on how to solve this boot issue. Thank you, and Happy New Year
Floppy image working in Bochs A note that I just got the same floppy image booting in Bochs pc emulator.
Has anyone at Parallels even interested in this post? A reply would be welcome, even if it is 'go away with your issue'.
Have you tried playing a little with the OS type in Parallels? I suggest DOS (under Other in the first menu) or Other (under Other in the first menu).
Can you elaborate on how is this article relevant to the topic, which is about installing/using Forth OS?