Free upgrade to Parallels Desktop 7

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by fieroluke, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. fieroluke

    fieroluke Bit poster

    I just found out that I would have been elegible for a free upgrade to Parallels Desktop 7 (I purchased and registered my version on 10-20-2011), but the timeframe to claim an activation key has expired 3 weeks ago.

    So, am I correct to assume that I purchased an obsolete product 6 weeks ago, and if I want to update now I have to pay the full upgrade price?
  2. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Hello, please be informed according to Parallels Desktop 6 Tech Guarantee, only purchases from authorized resellers were eligible for free upgrade:

    The reseller should have informed you about Tech Gurantee grace period not to miss this date. Please let us know the reseller you have purchased from.
  3. fieroluke

    fieroluke Bit poster


    Hi Julia,

    I purchased from Gravis online in Germany. I think they are the biggest reseller of Apple products in Germany, so I'd assume they're authorized.

    After ordering I received an email that pretty much only listed the product that I have ordered, and a few days later the package arrived.

    The online store did mention that a free upgrade would be available soon, but it did not state that I would _have to_ update by a certain date.
  4. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Thank you for the information.

    I sent a free upgrade key for you in ticket 1298467.

    If you ever come across a similar situation please feel free to contact us directly at:

    or > Customer Service and Licensing

    I hope this does not happen again but if it does, we can make sure it’s settled much more quickly in the future.
  5. AbdelwahabT

    AbdelwahabT Bit poster

    Hi, i'm also encountering the same problem, i got a copy of parallels when i bought my mac. It is Parallels Desktop 6. Upon installing, i upgraded to Desktop 7 and now can't use my activation key. What do i do?
  6. Brooksie

    Brooksie Bit poster

    Free Upgrade 6 to 7?

    I purchased from Elements 5 but never received any notification of a free upgrade to PD v7, only a $49.99 upgrade offer in September 2011. Now I've installed Mountain Lion OSX 10.8 and my PD v6 no longer works. Is there any extension of the eligibility?

    Thank you.
  7. joeladeira

    joeladeira Bit poster

    I never got my upgrade key to which I was entitled

    I purchased Parallels for Mac v6 through the Parallels online store (see attachment)
    I received en e-mail on Sept 3 2011 saying I should receive my free activation key in a few days (another attachment)
    So far I never received any key and tried to complain via e-mail without success.
    Since my Parallels software worked fine I gave up trying to get the key.
    Now I am stock with an incompatible version (I upgraded to Mountain Lion) although I am entitled an upgrade to version 7.

    Can I still have my key? I really tried to get it from you but never got an answer...

    Jose Ladeira

    Attached Files:

  8. Brooksie

    Brooksie Bit poster

    Mea Culpa?

    So I contacted the authorized reseller (Elements5) as Parallels said was the proper channel to pursue for the noted free upgrade offer that I never received. And in the best tradition of "mea culpa" Elements5 said they were unable to answer any enquiries regarding Parallels Internet Security (huh???). So I restate my enquiry and get another email saying I have to contact Parallels for any questions regarding upgrades. Well, that's enough for me thank you very much. They both point at each other and neither does squat to resolve the issue.

    Great support there Parallels... your authorized reseller won't answer any questions and you won't either. Hello VMWare? I may have to pay for it Parallels is the same story. Shell out more money. So much for "free".
  9. Brooksie

    Brooksie Bit poster

    No matter...

    Oh it doesn't matter if I get a free upgrade or not. I just checked the Windows 40Gb partition on my MBP and won't be needing a Windows solution anymore. The install of Mountain Lion wiped the partition. No Windows 7 there, no applications or anything else. This is just wonderful news...

  10. joeladeira

    joeladeira Bit poster

    Is there anyone out there Parallels people?

    So far I got no answer from anybody and I am still waiting for my promised key (as stated in the e-mail I annexed before).
    I need to get my Windows Apps working and since I am entitled to a free upgrade (YOUR WORDS) I am expecting an answer from your side.
    Can you please do what you have to do and send me my key?

  11. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Suggestion: Check your Spam folder
    Suggestion #2: Contact Parallels Support directly
  12. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Hello joeladeira,

    I resent your free upgrade key again, please make sure you check your junk folder.
  13. joeladeira

    joeladeira Bit poster

    Sorry. No messages at all...

    Nope. Nothing has arrived either in my mailbox or in the SPAM folder.
    You can use one of my e-mails which are: or

    I checked and re-checked and no message arrived at all from Parallels or any of you.
  14. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Thank you for letting me know. I sent your free upgrade in a private message via ticket 1440991
  15. joeladeira

    joeladeira Bit poster

    Case closed! Ticket 1440991

    Thanks! Now I got it in both e-mails. Good job.
    Have a nice day.

  16. stacya

    stacya Bit poster

    I purchased an iMac in May of 2011 at best buy and the gentleman talked me into purchasing parallels 6 and did not mention anything about a tech guarantee or free upgrade or anything. Since then I have purchased an ipad and iPhone with parallels mobile on both. Since upgrading to mountain lion I can no longer use parallels since it requires 7 or 8. I can no longer use any of my virtual machines. Unless forced to purchase yet another piece of software that I was not warned anything about.
  17. stacya

    stacya Bit poster

    No retailer help


    I purchased an iMac in May of 2011 at best buy and the gentleman talked me into purchasing parallels 6 and did not mention anything about a tech guarantee or free upgrade or anything. Since then I have purchased an ipad and iPhone with parallels mobile on both. Since upgrading to mountain lion I can no longer use parallels since it requires 7 or 8. I can no longer use any of my virtual machines. Unless forced to purchase yet another piece of software that I was not warned anything about.
  18. juliaplow

    juliaplow Hunter

    Dear stacya,

    You can review Tech Guarantee terms here:

    As you can see, 2011 purchases are not qualified for free of charge upgrade.

    As you upgraded your Mac to the newly released OS, Parallels Desktop 6 will not work since it was designed and released to the public several years before the new Mac operating system became available. Parallels developers did their best to include Mac OS ML to their testing efforts of Parallels Desktop 8 that was released in September, 2012.
  19. Brooksie

    Brooksie Bit poster

    Windows Data Deleted by ML install

    I never received an upgrade notice from Elements 5 for a free upgrade from v6 to v7. I purchased v6 in October 2011. Had I received more communication from them I might have known that installing OSX Mountain Lion would delete my entire Windows OS, data & applications. Now I have an empty 40Gb partition on my MBP and have not decided whether to start all over again to install Windows 7 and all my applications. I have lost all my data unless one of my cloned external hard drives has the Parallels v6 files needed to recover? I am sure disappointed in Elements 5 over this. Now I am faced with a significant investment of time and $100 to upgrade from v6 to v7 to v8.

    Please advise at your earliest opportunity.
  20. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    I'm assuming you have a Windows Bootcamp installation.
    The lost Windows data has to do with GPT and MBR being out of sync, but your Bootcamp partition is still there and so is your data. Have you tried booting directly into bootcamp? If that doesn't work there are still ways to recover data from the 'lost' partition if you don't delete it/format those 40GB, this is not directly related to Parallels, but to the upgrade to ML (it could still happen with Parallels v8).
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2012

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