World of tanks 8.0 its possible to play with Parallels
Only one option, how to play WOT 8.0 with Parallels, is Windows XP. Windows Vista (directX 10) or Windows 7 (directX 11) can't - game crash after start battle every time.
But - WOT 8.0 have a problem - Its necessary restart game after a few battles, because sometimes ingame textures change to black rectangles and FPS go down. Dont know, if this problem is on WOT side or on Parallels side. More RAM or VideoRAM dont fix this problem.
Best performace for gameplay? Turn everything off / minimum / low, low resolution, disable Battle recording (sometimes error - will be fixed in WOT 8.1) and turn Draw Distance + Object LOD to medium/high.
PS: sorry for my english.
Last edited: Oct 16, 2012