Gentoo on M1 with Parallels-Tools / graphic acceleration?

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by NielsD4, Dec 9, 2021.

  1. NielsD4

    NielsD4 Bit poster

    Dear all,

    i've installed Gentoo arm64 with xorg, KDE and such stuff, but im unable to get the Parallels org driver for X / GL or similar acceleration working manually.
    Parallels-Tools does not install out of the box - I had to comment "check_required_packages()" and copy an init script manually, because it "can't find a package manager" in the installer script to get it running through.

    Kernel drivers seems loaded:
    (seems there is no prl_vid in current parallels-tools installer anymore?)

    but if I try to use the OpenGL switcher script:
    $ --on

    I get an error:
    /usr/lib/parallels-tools/tools/tools32/lib/ not found in the path

    seems the script does use i386 tools path instead of "tools-arm64" and no* is in
    (there is only a

    Any ideas or hints?
    Which "package manager" could I install on Gentoo to get the installer working? If the installer is not ready for gentoo on M1 so far - would be nice if done by Parallels soon...ß)

    many thanks,

  2. serv

    serv Forum Maven

    Parallels graphics drivers stack is not available on aarch64. However, Parallels Desktop 17.1 introduced VirGL support, so MesaGL should just work.
    See for details.
  3. NielsD4

    NielsD4 Bit poster

    Ok, then I try to build mesa with/against virgl support.
    thank you!
  4. RobS21

    RobS21 Junior Member

  5. brad-x

    brad-x Junior Member

    I've gotten Gentoo installed on Parallels M1, one key was to ensure virtio_gpu was built into the kernel so console messages are available early in the boot process (the architecture seems to favor kernel output going to serial lines for whatever reason) - after setting VIDEO_CARDS="virgl" and emerging the graphics stack and desktop environment of choice, it fires up with MESA GL and near-native performance
  6. NielsD4

    NielsD4 Bit poster

    many thanks for some hints.

    with 17.x it seems easy to get an accelerated X installed (VIRTIO_GPU and virgl video card selected).
    I run my Gentoo without Parallels-Tools which works well for me so far - but it would be nice if Parallels could at least some kind of basic or "beta" support for Gentoo with the Paralells-Tools installer, using generic ways to build / install the Parallels kernel modules and daemons (i.e. without scripts / systems configs).

    Thanks to you all,

  7. Leonchik1976

    Leonchik1976 Junior Member

    Parallels Tools installs on gentoo without any problem, but on older kernels, it doesn't work with 6.5 versions
  8. NielsD4

    NielsD4 Bit poster


    here we go:

    Kernel is a "brand new" 6.5.5

    (Then provide install media by virtual CD-ROM by click on "Install Parallels Tools" to VM)

    "An error occurred when installing Parallels Tools. Please go to /var/log/parallels-tools-install.log for more information."
    In the log file:

    "none of supported package managers are found on this system"
    If i look into the sources, the installer expects one of a selection of disctribution specific package manager but not gentoos software manager portage. Gentoo - by default - does not work with packages... Same happens - as expected - with GUI installer version btw.

    So if it works on your Gentoo installation, which which package manager does it run?

    many thanks,

  9. ShALLaX

    ShALLaX Bit poster

    Just in case anyone else comes across this, the solution for me was to make a very small modification to the installer.

    First off, I have installed plasma-meta and all dependencies on a clean install (literally haven't installed anything else). Some things this pulls in may be required to successfully install Parallels Tools. On top of this, make sure you have dkms and hplip installed, as I believe these are dependencies. Finally, make sure your kernel supports loading modules.

    After installing the pre-reqs, copy the contents of the Parallels Tools CD to somewhere writable, then edit ./installer/ Find "check_required_packages()" around about L269. Make this method return $E_NOERROR immediately, then just run the installer as normal and reboot (./install). This'll get your kernel modules installed, however the /etc/init.d/prltoolsd script isn't openrc compatible. To fix this, I created /etc/init.d/parallels with the following contents:
            ebegin "Starting Parallels tools"
            /etc/init.d/prltoolsd start
            eend $?
            ebegin "Stopping Parallels tools"
            /etc/init.d/prltoolsd stop
            eend $?
    Swap out the script using:
    rc-update del prltoolsd
    rc-update add parallels default
    You should be good to go.

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