Ghost user sessions in Parallels Remote Application Server Console

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by Angry Neeson 52, Jul 27, 2023.

  1. Angry Neeson 52

    Angry Neeson 52 Bit poster


    I'm new to the forums and I tried the search function but there were no helpful posts. We are running Parallels RAS 19.2.3 build 24005 and I keep seeing ghost RDSH user sessions for specific users. No matter how many times I "log off" the user from the RAS console or refresh the "sessions" list, the user is still showing.

    What steps need to be completed to force a sync of the of the RDSH users?
    MischaD likes this.
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    I would first confirm that that the "ghost sessions" do NOT show in the RDSH's task manager. As for a force sync, the closest you might get to it might be if the RDSH agent service(s) (on their respective machines) are restarted (unless you want to bring down the RAS infrastructure by restarting connection broker).
    I would personally suggest directly contacting support for an issue of this type.
  3. MischaD

    MischaD Bit poster

    I have the same problem, the only way to solve this is to reboot the RDSH host.
    The user is disconnected in Parallels, but is not showing in the RDSH's task manager.
    I'm running version 19.3.0 (build 24520)
  4. jpc

    jpc Pro

    @MischaD When the issue happens, can you confirm that the sessions are not visible when using Task manager's "Detailed" view. I have seen some cases where 1 or 2 applications from an otherwise totally closed session remain lingering. I could not find any way to close them via task manager and had to reboot the RDSH server. I did not check if these sessions were shown in RAS's console for me.
  5. MischaD

    MischaD Bit poster

    @jpc Yes, the sessions are not visible in the Task manger detailed view. But are visible in the session section in the RAS console.
    The only way to get rid of the ghost sessions is to reboot the RDSH server.

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