Hard disk image corrupted

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by hsiebert, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. bronze

    bronze Member

    (Failed) Results of attempt to delete DiskDescriptor.xml.lock -wasn't there

    Still waiting...

    These are the results from Terminal when I attempted to delete DiskDescriptor.xml.lock - which wasn't there.

    However, note the August 22 hds file at Zero K "XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{5fbaabe3-6958-40ff-92a7-860e329aab41}.hds" Please correct me if this is wrong, but it does not appear to be referenced in either the DiskDescriptor.xml nor is it in the Snapshots.xml

    And... it is invisible in the Finder.

    Haven't touched it, but somehow thought it worth mentioning.

    ls -la ~/Documents/Parallels/MSWinXP/New-70HD.hdd/
    rm ~/Documents/Parallels/MSWinXP/New-70HD>.hdd/.DiskDescriptor.xml.lock

    Macintosh-3:~ Bronze$ ls -la ~/Documents/Parallels/MSWinXP/New-70HD.hdd/
    total 193278208
    drwxr-xr-x@ 10 Bronze Bronze 340 Aug 24 00:16 .
    drwxr-xr-x 10 Bronze Bronze 340 Aug 8 20:09 ..
    -rw-r--r-- 1 Bronze Bronze 47 Aug 22 06:29 .LSOverride
    -rw-r--r-- 1 Bronze Bronze 2326 Aug 20 14:38 DiskDescriptor.xml
    -rw-r--r--@ 1 Bronze Bronze 0 Aug 22 06:29 Icon?
    -rw-r--r-- 1 Bronze Bronze 40727367680 May 8 15:29 XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{1879337f-1ee3-4ffb-a8cf-6ffb66e7e39f}.hds
    -rw-r--r-- 1 Bronze Bronze 0 Aug 22 05:04 XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{5fbaabe3-6958-40ff-92a7-860e329aab41}.hds
    -rw-r--r-- 1 Bronze Bronze 9867633152 Nov 29 2007 XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{800e5a6a-35d8-440b-8cf5-e796514458b2}.hds
    -rw-r--r-- 1 Bronze Bronze 36863292416 Jul 12 16:57 XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{a771e134-d564-4172-ba6a-14f2fb584b4d}.hds
    -rw-r--r-- 1 Bronze Bronze 11499980288 Aug 22 05:01 XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{c6cacd42-e86e-453d-88be-9f8793a5a15b}.hds
  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Try this, I am not sure, this will work, as I suppose there are some mixed staff from Ubuntu, but let us try
    Backup VM, and try this Disk Descriptor.xml

    <Parallels_disk_image Version="1.0" >
  3. bronze

    bronze Member

    Didn't work, still says it is corrupt hdd


    I really appreciate the effort, but it didn't work.

    Did a copy and paste of the text you sent into the DiskDescriptor.xml and saved. That didn't work, but it oddly had me stuck at installing the OS again at VM startup. Wouldn't let me edit the VM, just got the corrupt hdd error over and over again.

    So I deleted old DiskDescriptor.xml (still have a backup) and pasted in a new one made from the text you sent.

    That let me edit the VM, deleted the virtual drive and added a new one to using that same hdd....
    Still gives me the corrupt hdd error

    For what it is worth, I don't think it was the Ubuntu VM. It has been gone for while, and the only issue was that after they had been running at the same time for a while (Ubuntu OS in one VM and XP in this VM) closing out of Parallels and then logging back in locked up the XP VM. Had to deleted the Ubuntu Drive image and it came back normal.

    Remember there were 2 odd errors immediately before this:

    First was telling me I was running out of disk space, when i wasn't
    Second was telling me i allocated too much RAM, when again there was no change from the earlier state that had been running happily for many months.

    Just so I have it correctly, is there specific formating for the DiskDecriptor.xml that might be messed up in my cut and paste? Let me know

    If not... what else can be done? I am still stuck and still deeply frustrated
  4. bronze

    bronze Member

    Shows odd things in edit menu now


    Noticing things are strange in the edit screen for the VM.

    First is the memory that puts the"recommended size of 128 Mb to 412 MB" and "optimum 512 MB"

    It was 512 MB from birth, so that is an odd change. Setting to anything over 412 MB keeps it from starting.


    Shared folders show as Zero. There had been one, always.

    The HDD show as zero K too, even with 93 Gb file selected.

    I've got barley enough room to download and reinstall Parellels. Not sure if that is the going to help, but it seems clear that some of the problems are outside of the hdd package.

    I still NEED some solution that lets me work within the confines of my drive space limitation and the absence of backup installation CD's while traveling. Something that brings back access to all of my data or at least as much of it as possible. PLEASE
  5. bronze

    bronze Member

    Please Answer

    John & Co.

    Thank you for trying and I hope you are still trying to find a solution.

    Can you please answer the following questions as soon as possible:

    1. Where is the most recent data recorded into the virtual drive located, in what file(s) exactly?
    You have my info, please examine and let me know.

    2. Is it possible to externally create a Snapshot? from outside of the Virtual Machine? (from and .hds file, or from the files found for the answer to Question 1, above?) and, if so, how?

    3. Is it possible to merge ANY hds files with snapshots or must they have some specific generator tags or source? I'm thinking if the answer to Question 2 is YES, then I can concentrate on reverting back to the last snaphot and then try and bring the newer data back in from the most current hds file(s) and merge them into the stable system.

    4. Given my drive space limits, it is impossible for me to do that copy and paste of the July 2006 hds file, as guided in the /kb #4086, but I could do a cut and paste - deleting the file from the package as and paste it back into the Virtual Machine's folder. I need to know if this is safe to delete from that hds file from the hdd package if that file is basically become the new hdd source for the drive.

    5. Where can i find the basic structure of the DiskDescriptor.xml and SnapShot.xml files so I can understand them better? is there some resource to verify the integrity of those files?

    6. Is is possible to run Parellels Compressor form outside of the Virtual Machine?
    I'm looking at the hdd file, and the supposedly 70 GB virtual disk is really 93 GB, even though it never showed more than 58 Gb under XP when the virtual machine was running. Think that if Compressor can free up some space, my options are more open. Had plans to do that anyway, once things got running.

    Please answer as best as you can. Point me to links if you have to.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Keep trying to find a solution with the file edits. There must be a away to do this Maybe with some combination of deleting those Zero K files? You have not given me any guidance to do that yet.

    I'm still stuck...
  6. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I asked developers to look this,
    Hope they will fond solution
  7. bronze

    bronze Member

    Will continue to wait - still very frustrated


    That question #2 was typed badly, meant to ask if it is possible to make a usable Snapshot when the Virtual Machine is not running, using the .hds and other available files, especially those from the answer to Question #1. If it is possible, how is do I do it?

    Obviously, I can't get into the Virtual Machine yet to make a Snapshot normally. There was an attempt at a Snapshot when all of this happened, but as you can see it shows Zero K and suspect it has no real data in it.

    If it is possible to assemble or compile a NEW Snapshot from those existing elements that I do have - without opening the Virtual Machine - then my intention would be to use the best of the current Snapshots (July 2008) to restore (if I can) and then try and merge that NEW created Snapshot that hopefully has my data more current than July to bring the system back to normal.

    Have to say this is not my favorite plan. It still means I have to cut and remove the big July 2008 hds file and paste it into the Virtual Machine Folder and make it the new basis for the a new .hdd file - as per instructions from /KB 4086.

    Still have no way to keep that large file in the hdd package at the same time as I copy into to the folder - just not enough room. So I do need to know if that cut (deleting the hds file form the package) can be safely done too.

    Honestly hoping the xml file edits are more successful at restoring everything, hope you are still trying.

    Thanks again
  8. bronze

    bronze Member

    Please ?

    John and everyone else that is trying to help...

    It has been 8 days since this happened and still stuck with a 93 GB virtual disk that is just filling up scarce space on a crowded drive. I still have no useful access to my critical files. I still have no effective way to recover those files.

    No easy solutions found after a lot of searches, so this leaves entirely at your mercy.

    What do I do?

    Can someone please answer the questions posted earlier.

    If there was a guide on the structure the DiskDescription.xml and Snapshot.xml I could try to edit those on my own. Even random experiments at least I'd feel like it was accomplishing something. The DiskDescription file you sent did not work. not sure if you know why. Again, inside of the the hdd package all of the hds files are valid, at least according to Image Tools, yet the hdd file is not.
  9. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I asked developers, as I got reply I will provide details
  10. bronze

    bronze Member



    Please let me know as soon as possible, or have them contact me directly.

    If there is a way to take the July 2008 Snapshot, restore to that Snapshot, and still retain the more current data (since July) then I will do that. Still don't know where that most current data resides. If I had that answer, I'd hopefully have something working now.

    Can I safely CUT the July 2008 .dhs file from the HDD package, if it is being PASTED back inside the VM Folder? Again, this means deleting the file instead of just copying the file, as I don't have disk space to do both. Please get me an answer on this.

    Have considered attempting this anyway. Hesitant because IF it works, then I will have a new data set going forward that will be inconsistent with the data set I am trying the recover. Can't see that making future merging of data any easier.

    It is still the most current data that I am most in need of recovering. That is data newer than the July Snapshot.

    If there is a tool for examining an hds files to recover specific files from within it, please advise and I will try that too. There must be a such a tool, it must be similar to how the Snapshot Manager works. Still need answers about that too.

    9 days of downtime, and counting...
  11. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I am reminding every business day, I will inform you as I get any news, or provide instructions
  12. bronze

    bronze Member

    Appreciate any help


    I'll keep waiting, because there is little else i can do.

    10 days down and counting
  13. bronze

    bronze Member

    Still frustrated, still waiting


    Truly appreciate your efforts, but: At some point soon I will run out of time. This is keeping me from working and there is still no clear way to recover what is needed. Please give me some answers soon.

    Down 11 days, and counting...
  14. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    I asked developers again, right now, even so its 9-11pm at their timezone.
    Hope they will answer you soon
  15. bronze

    bronze Member

    Happy Labor Day


    It is partly the frustration of not being able to do anything. I know your are trying. Thanks
  16. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    Ok, let's try.

    First of all backup your current image.

    Next execute in the hdd directory the following command (without # of course)
    # mv XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{c6cacd42-e86e-453d-88be-9f8793a5a15b}.hds XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{5fbaabe3-6958-40ff-92a7-860e329aab41}.hds

    Unzip attached file and put DiskDescriptor.xml in the disk directory. This should help.

    I can also note that you had inconsistence between snapshots manager and disk states. And after that operation this inconsistence became bigger. So, you can merge all snapshots to one disk with ImageTool.

    Attached Files:

  17. Ynot

    Ynot Pro

    Maybe i can make Snapshots.xml too... if you need this.
  18. bronze

    bronze Member

    Want to be sure I clearly understand:

    In Terminal:
    mv XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{c6cacd42-e86e-453d-88be-9f8793a5a15b}.hds XP-70HD.hdd.copy.0.{5fbaabe3-6958-40ff-92a7-860e329aab41}.hds

    This is a copy command? Please note there is very limited real disk space and that appears to be a large file. There is presently 11 GB available on this drive.

    Please explain a little more about what will happen to the hds files.

    I will likely need to Snapshots.xml too

    Let me know
  19. Specimen

    Specimen Product Expert

    Don't you have access to an external drive? From what I've read in order to do this operation you need some headroom, besides moving/copying large files in a crowed disk leads to very intense file fragmentation, which leads to system slowness and possible file corruption if it gets intense, of those 11 GB there probably isn't even 1GB of continuous free space.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2008
  20. bronze

    bronze Member

    Limited disk space

    Ynot, Specimen, John, everyone

    I have a Macbook with a 160 GB drive, of which there is now 10 GB safely available.

    I also have an external 100 Gb drive, it has 3 GB available because it currently contains the ONLY backup of my VM and it's corrupt 93 GB HDD package.

    That 93 GB was created to be an "expanding disk" with a target capacity of 70 GB.
    From within the VM it appeared the the 70 Gb drive only had 58 GB used.

    Really need to know what is happening with this solution before it is attempted. It appears as tough I am copying (duplicating) the August 2008 10.7 Gb file on a system that only has 10 GB free. Is this correct or am I reading it wrong?

    Hoping that command is doing something different. But, will try and squeeze out some more room. This may take some time. I will check for a reply when I've cleared another 2 Gb.

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