Hard Drive Space

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by JustinM10, May 25, 2022.

  1. JustinM10

    JustinM10 Junior Member

    I configured through Paralells to increase the hard disk space on the virtual machine from the standard 256GB to 1TB. I applied the changed and restarted everything and on the configuration of the Hard Disk on Paralells it shows up as 1TB. However, when I go into finder in the windows environment, the C: drive still only shows as 256GB.

    How do I get this to update as it should based on the change I made?
  2. McallenT@P

    McallenT@P Parallels Team

    Best Answer
    Hello, Please refer to this KB article: https://kb.parallels.com/123372 and check. Thanks, Parallels Team.
    JustinM10 likes this.
  3. JustinM10

    JustinM10 Junior Member

    This worked - thank you very much.
  4. Bhargava

    Bhargava Bit poster

    Hello, we are happy that the issue is resolved. Please let us know if you have any additional questions. Thanks.

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