Hey all- I am trying to user transporter to move information off a laptop that has some bad sectors to a macbook. The process moves for a bit but fails. The agent on the old laptop says, "Migrating cancelled" and the host laptop says that an error has occured. The laptop has some bad sectors (which is the main reason we wanted to migrate things off), and I think that might be why it's bombing out. Is there a way to make the transporter agent be not so finicky about that (maybe by ignoring the effected sectors)? thanks- Andrew
hi, at the first you need to markup bad sectors as bad in view of file system driver ignoring them further. As i right understood you migrating Windows BOOT camp partition. To markup bad sectors load Windows OS, go to "My computer", there select necessary volume and enter to the "Preferences" from element context menu. Select tab "Tools" and press there "Check now". Select there "Scan for bad sectors" option.