Have VM on one disk, with programs on another

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by EricC1, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. EricC1

    EricC1 Bit poster

    This is my first post here. I have 2 HD in my early 2011 MBP, a 1TB SSD, and a 1 TB HDD. I would like to have the VM on the SSD, and all my programs that require windows on my HDD. Is this possible? That is how my OSX is set up with the OS on my SSD and most of my programs on my HDD.

    Thank you.
  2. EricC1

    EricC1 Bit poster

  3. SergeyL

    SergeyL Parallels Team

    hello Eric, what do you mean by "all my programs that require windows"?
    A virtual machine works as a "software computer". It has its own virtual hard disk that stores all Windows files including Windows apps. So if you move your virtual machine to some drive, all your Windows-based apps will also move to that drive. You can move your personal data from the virtual hard disk to the Mac side, however you cannot move your windows apps from the virtual hard disk and store them on a Mac side separately from your .PVM file.

    .PVM is your virtual machine.
  4. EricC1

    EricC1 Bit poster

    Thanks I believe that answers my question. By "all my programs that require windows" I simply mean my games and what not that run on windows and not mac. so I need to move my VM to my HDD. I have my OSX on my SSD and all of my other programs on my HDD and I wanted to do the same for the windows side but from your reply I can't have my Windows OS on a different drive than my programs.

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