Having an issue installing

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Sliceofpi, Sep 17, 2006.

  1. Sliceofpi

    Sliceofpi Bit poster

    I think I have done everything properly as far as setting up the VM and everything but oonce I put in my XP disc the screenn goes dark and says I need to restart my Mac. The whole screen lockss up so I can't select anything or even close out paralllels. I've been using a Mac for aa total of about 32 hours now so any help anyone could give would be great. Thanks and let me know if you need more info.
  2. dkniesjr

    dkniesjr Bit poster

    having the same problem

    :mad: this is INCREDIBLY frustrating...I have installed and followed all directions in the box and everytime i try to start a new VM, it crashes my iMac.

    i have not even been able to install Win XP yet since it crashes everytime.
  3. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    Which Mac model, how much RAM, how much RAM allocated to Parallels, how much RAM allocated to your VM, which version (build number from the about box) of Parallels, is it a full install XP disk, is it an OEM XP disk? (and then maybe a few more questions, but that would get us started).

    32 hours isn't much time to get used to a platform. I hope playing with computers is something you enjoy.
  4. Sliceofpi

    Sliceofpi Bit poster

    24inch iMac with the normal package save for an upgraded 2gig ram. I allocated 512 RAM for the VM of XP. The disc being used is a Full install XP Pro from 02 so I dont think it has any of the SP's on it. I dont know if that makes a differance though I read somewhere that bootcamp req'd a disc with SP 2 on it. The Parallels I am using is the trial version build 1848. One of the main reasons I bought this imac was to play with it so yeah I'm happy about it, just need some information. Thank you for the responce.
  5. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2006
  6. Sliceofpi

    Sliceofpi Bit poster

    I will try that. Thanks so much for your help.
  7. Sliceofpi

    Sliceofpi Bit poster

    instaled the newest build and everything worked like aa champ. Thanks for the info.
    PS This program is great!

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