Hogwarts Legacy Failed to initialize DirectX 12 Error

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by hannah5, Feb 13, 2023.

  1. hannah5

    hannah5 Bit poster

    Hello, I just got Parallels yesterday specifically so that I can play Hogwarts Legacy. I installed the game with no problem... however, it gives me this error every time I try to run it through Steam:
    Screen Shot 2023-02-13 at 12.55.33 PM.png

    I have spent hours trying to fix this with youtube tutorials yet nothing has helped. Any way that anyone can fix this? I am dying to play this game!!
    ScottD13 and AurelienB like this.
  2. AndreaR3

    AndreaR3 Bit poster

    Best Answer
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    Not true, crossover and wine xommunity managed to work fine with dx12 thanks to new Apple dev kit... only parallels need is to catch up... you can check r/macgaming on Reddit... everything but AVX work
    AurelienB and iciconnect like this.
  3. Sfm909

    Sfm909 Bit poster

    I am getting the same error for the exact same situation. Are you trying you play it on the free trial version of parallels, or did you purchase a full license?
  4. Sfm909

    Sfm909 Bit poster

    I have discovered why! Hogwarts Legacy is part of the new generation graphics, requiring DirectX 12. Currently Parallels only supports directX 11, and so you will not be able to play new games that require directx 12 through parallels, until they update their support. How unfortunate, I hope this is updated soon.
    Desireev likes this.
  5. MikeH27

    MikeH27 Junior Member

    You must be new here.

    DX12 doesn't work on Parallels. At all. No there is no "fix".

    Windows uses Direct X, (typically versions 9/10/11/12 depending on how new/old the game is)
    Apple uses OpenGL/Metal.
    Linux uses OpenGL/Vulkan.

    Parallels (assumedly) is leveraging a translation layer like DXVK, which does DX11 - > Vulkan. Which goes through another product (MoltenVK) to translate it to Metal.
    (I'm talking a bit out of my ass here, Parallels could be doing a direct DX11-> Metal thing). Doesn't matter for this explanation

    Metal doesn't have the needed "bits" to support a translation of DX12. Apple has to fix that. Until they do, DX12 games aren't going to work. This is on Apple, not Parallels. Apple usually rolls Metal updates with new versions of macOS, so maybe we'll see something in June (when they typically announce the next version). I (personally) don't think Apple gives a rats ass about helping DX12 games run. They just keep thinking "oh, well eventually developers have to see how good our hardware is now and write the game to work on macOS directly". Sorry, that ship has sailed.

    Can you run games on Mac? Sure. Can you run new games on Mac? No. Buy a console.

    Direct your anger at Apple for shipping 15 years of their most popular computers with piss-poor intel graphics. That killed off whatever chance Apple had at being relevant in the gaming space.
    Trishna Oobeyram and BrunoG4 like this.
  6. iciconnect

    iciconnect Member

    Try seeing if you have DirectX 12 already installed. It could be the Directx 12 Ultimate requirement that might had lead to the restriction. Since the M1/M2 chips aren't AMD or Gnvidia. I believe this would also be the same issue with PCs that have Intel's integrated GPUs as well. To check, all you need to do is while in Windows Win+R then type dxdiag and press ENTER. This will cause Windows to run the DirectX Diagnostic Tool. It would then provide you with System Information. Click the next button to get more information.

    However, Apple has solved this with the newer macOS Sonoma. Thou it's a functional Beta, it's been decent. Which would allow the Mac to run many Windows titles natively. Details can be found here: macOS Sonoma lets developers port Windows games to the Mac (9to5mac.com)

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  7. iciconnect

    iciconnect Member

    That's not actually true thou! Apple has had AMD and Nvidia GPUs previously. Apple just didn't focus much on Triple-A gaming! Not much was invested in R&D for Mac gaming back then! There were more titles in the 90s; during the PowerPC days than it was 15 years ago!

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  8. iciconnect

    iciconnect Member

    Oops, I can't forget about the Mac Pro (Cheesegrater) which sported flashed GPUs from both Nvidia and AMD.
  9. YevgenyS

    YevgenyS Bit poster

    "We're not going to support DirectX12 - blame Apple" isn't an acceptable answer. If Parallels wants not to lose massive numbers of subscribers they need to fix this.
  10. TimeHorse

    TimeHorse Polymath Software Slinger Bit poster

    Guys, I'm paying $130 per year for the pro version. Not having DX12 is hardly professional!!
    AndreaR3 and iciconnect like this.
  11. AndreaR3

    AndreaR3 Bit poster

    Best Answer
    Not tr
    Not true, crossover and wine xommunity managed to work fine with dx12 thanks to new Apple dev kit... only parallels need is to catch up... you can check r/macgaming on Reddit... everything but AVX work
    AurelienB and iciconnect like this.

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