Hotfix Update: Parallels Desktop 4.0 Build 3540 is available

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Andrew @ Parallels, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Dear Users,

    Parallels Desktop 4.0 Build 3540 is available for download:

    IMPORTANT! - This is English build and won't work with localized activation keys. Localized builds will be available soon.

    Bugfixes and improvements:

    Improvements in the upgrade procedure:
    - BSOD in Boot Camp with the "Autochk not found" message followed by the session manager crash - fixed.
    Note: If you see this BSOD in the release version of Parallels Desktop 4.0, open the virtual machine configuration, select Hard Disk 1 in left pane and click OK. This will prevent this BSOD in the virtual machine and the Boot Camp partition.
    - BSOD with the "0xA5" message during the virtual machine upgrade - fixed.
    Note: If you get this BSOD in the release version of Parallels Desktop 4.0, convert the backup copy of your virtual machine. Before convering the copy create one more backup copy of it.
    - Windows stops on boot during the upgrade without any crashes - fixed.
    Note: If this error occurs in the release version of Parallels Desktop 4.0, convert the backup copy of your virtual machine. Before convering the copy, create one more backup copy of it. Alternatively, you may add the "vm.compat_level=2" string to Virtual Machine Configuration > CPU > System Flags (make sure that the "show advanced settings" option is selected).
    - Virtual machine crashes on start after the conversion - fixed.
    - Possible causes of BSOD in intelppm.sys and agp440.sys - fixed.
    - Mouse is not available when upgrading a virtual machine that was originally created with Microsoft Virtual PC - fixed.
    - The sound is disabled in Windows XP virtual machines after the upgrade - fixed.
    - Hard disk cannot use the Boot Camp partition after the upgrade - fixed.
    Note: If this error occurs in the release version of Parallels Desktop 4.0, open the virtual machine configuration, select Hard Disk 1 in left pane and click OK.
    - The message "Failed to configure the Boot Camp partition" appears after the upgrade - fixed.
    Note: If this error occurs in the release version of Parallels Desktop 4.0, open the virtual machine configuration and click OK.

    Other improvements:
    - At times Parallels networking drivers don't start after the restart of Mac OS X - fixed.
    - Copy-paste operations may fail in some cases when the virtual machine is in Coherence - fixed.
    - Copy-paste operations may fail in some cases when non-text data is being copied to Windows - fixed.
    - Inability to switch to a Windows application using Application Switcher when the virtual machine is in Coherence - fixed.
    - Redundant network icons appear in the Mac OS menubar after switching between the view modes - fixed.
    - Mac applications stay on top of Windows applications in Coherence - fixed.
    - USB performance improved, including the ability to sync iPhone with iTunes installed in Windows.
    - Dispatcher service binding to all network addresses on port TCP 64000 - fixed.
    - The ability to suspend a Boot Camp virtual machine was removed, because this operation may damage the Boot Camp partition.
    - .NET applications menus drawing in Coherence - improved.
    - Crashes in virtual machine monitor and the application based on the statistics received through the problem reports - fixed.

    Known issues:

    - A message "hal.dll is missing or corrupt" may appear when you use the Boot Camp partition natively if the Boot Camp virtual machine was shut down incorrectly in Parallels Desktop 3.0. To toubleshoot this issue, edit the boot.ini file to be able to log in with a proper user profile.
    - Removing the virtual hard disk from the virtual machine configuration and then adding it again results in moving the hard disk to the last position in the virtual machine's boot order, which seriously increases the boot time. To troubleshoot this issue, edit the boot order in the virtual machine configuration after readding the virtual hard disk.
    - Control Panel may be unaccessible in Windows Vista loaded from Boot Camp.
    - Scheduled chkdsk may fail to start on Windows Vista booting in a virtual machine.
    - Parallels Desktop may start consuming up to 100% CPU after setting 2 CPUs in a Windows virtual machine configuration. To troubleshoot this issue, update the CPU driver in the Windows guest OS.
    - A Windows Vista Boot Camp virtual machine may request to be activated again after upgrading to Parallels Desktop 4.0.
    - The maximized window of a Windows application may cover Windows taskbar in Windows virtual machines that were converted from Parallels Desktop 3.0 format. To troubleshoot this issue, right-click the Windows taskbar, select Properties and enable the "Keep the taskbar on top of other windows" option.
    - All guest operating system windows are minimized after switching to another Space. To troubleshoot this issue, switch the virtual machine to the Window mode and then back to Coherence.
    - The virtual machine will not change its IP address after switching from the bridged wired to wireless network and vice versa, which may result in the virtual machine's disconnection from the network. To troubleshoot this issue, right-click the networking icon in the guest Windows operating system and click Repair.
    - The Parallels service user profile may remain in a Windows virtual machine after the upgrade to Parallels Desktop 4.0 is complete.
    - Parallels Transporter and Parallels Mounter are unable to work with Boot Camp partitions.
    - You cannot revert to snapshots that were created on 32-bit Mac host computers and resume virtual machines that were suspended on 32-bit host computers with Parallels Desktop installed on 64-bit Mac OS host computers, and vice versa.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2008
  2. JoOppen

    JoOppen Bit poster

    STOP: 0xA5 fixed but ...

    Thank you for fixing this bug.

    However, it might be to late for me (although I hope not because that would be very painfull). For some reason PD 4.0 detroyed the original backup of PD 3.0 during my second attempt to convert with build 3522. Apparently I now have two backups that are not PD 3.0 compatible any more (I did not use an external drive for backup that I could physically disconnect for the secont attemt to convert since I have none). Right now, I have installed build 3540 but are still stuck with the same blue screen.

    My configuration is: MacBook Pro 15" 2,16 GHz Core 2 Duo, primary OS MacOS 10.4.11 German; Guest OS (was) Win XP Professional German.

    Is there any way to recover the data gathered under PD 3.0? If I return to PB 3.0 (after removing PD 4.0) it says: data corrupted when trying to start the backup.

    The solution should enable me (and others) to use the previously converted VM (by means of build 3522) with a newly installed PD 4.0 build 354X. I very much hope that this will be possible.

  3. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team


    We are working on repair utility for those who didn't created backup before converting and stuck with A5 BSOD. It will be posted on forums once it is ready.
  4. theand

    theand Bit poster


    I'm getting a 0B4 BSOD with build 3540 with a fresh conversion of my back up version 3.0 Windows XP VM. Any ideas or work arounds on this? I've attached the BSOD

    Attached Files:

  5. ichi

    ichi Member

    This update has now broken the new VM I had to create after the last version 4 release broke my VMs that I had to update. prl_vm_app is just using all my CPU time and not resume my VM since I have installed...

    Even after I quit Parallels, the prl_vm_app still uses all my CPU up and if I force quit my entire computer goes screwy and I have to reset the system.

    Thanks for getting us paying customers to test your software for you Parallels. If I had wanted to be a beta tester I would have asked you...
  6. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team


    Can you please describe in short what actions you performed and what is the problem you are running in? It will also be very helpful to make problem report (menu Help->Report a Problem) and provide me with its number.

    PS: I suggest you to start new thread for this new issue and provide here just a link to it.
  7. ichi

    ichi Member

    OK, I managed to remove my suspend data, boot my VM fresh and install the new tools, then got a BSOD, reset it, booted again and now it seems to be OK. Will check the VMs that I upgraded that I was having problems with, with the new version. Hopefully this fixes them.

    I won't bother with a new thread, as I already have one for this, but I posted here because it was relevant to the new build. I have a support ticket for my issues as well (#612880) and was told to try the new version.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2008
  8. nickhilliard

    nickhilliard Bit poster

    Still can't convert from PD3 VM to PD4 format

    This upgrade still doesn't work for me. I have an XP Professional disk image which PD4 cannot seem to convert from PD3 format. It displays the attached error messages, first convert-error-1.jpg and then immediately afterwards convert-error-2.jpg

    This is causing me serious problems.

    PD4 does not work for me. At all.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 21, 2008
  9. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro


    please send a Problem Report to us
    (Help -> Report a problem)

    And let us know the report ID, so we
    can check what happens on your system.

  10. nickhilliard

    nickhilliard Bit poster

    Hi Max,

    Please see report ID #621468.

    Many thanks for replying so promptly.

  11. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team


    It doesn't look like correct number. Correct number should be something like #147xx. Can you please generate it once again and provide number again?
  12. nickhilliard

    nickhilliard Bit poster

    report ID: 14769.

    #621468 is an RT ticket ID.


  13. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro

    Nick, the problem is that for some reason Parallels Desktop 4.0
    can't parse your old VM config (*.pvs) file.

    Can you please post it here so we can analyze your issue ?

    Meanwhile, the following should fix your issue:
    1. Create "Default" VM in PD 4.0
    2. Attach HDD from PD3.0 to PD4.0
    3. Modify Boot Order of VM to boot from your old HDD first
    4. Start your VM - upgrade process will start automatically

    But please, before you do that, provide us with *.pvs file that we can check.
  14. kevinw

    kevinw Hunter

    Failed Upgrade Attempt to 3540 during Parallel tool Install

    Just tried to install Build 3540 and when installing PDT in Windows I received the error attached. I have installed many versions of PD3 and upgrades but I have never received this error and there is only one user on this Windows install and obviously had administrator rights????


    Attached Files:

  15. nickhilliard

    nickhilliard Bit poster

    Here's the PVS in a zipfile.


    Attached Files:

      File size:
      1.3 KB
  16. DaTa

    DaTa Hunter

    Dear kevinw,

    the image attached is of such a low resolution that it is hard to understand what is displayed there.
    Error message is unreadable. Would you, please attach a picture with a bigger resolution?
    Thank you
  17. Member

    Build 3540 does not solve tools install

    I tried to install 3540 for P4.0
    this build did not solve the tool installer issue

    I still get the following message on tool install after the vm installs sucessfully

    error 1306 "c:\windows\system32\drivers\prl_boot.sys

    My system is a macbook pro
    vista 32 set up as a boot camp drive

    PLEASE assist with this error asap

  18. tacit_one

    tacit_one Pro


    did you create a separate thread for your issue ?
    I'm interested in some history of your issue,
    did you send us the problem report, screenshots, etc. ?

    As a quick solution, I'd recommend you to
    open your Boot Camp VM preferences, change
    any parameter and press "OK" - this will force
    Boot Camp re-configuration and may resolve
    your problem.

  19. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team


    We prepared repair utility for BSOD 0xA5 affected VMs. Please check your PMs for instructions.
  20. Member

    help please further info


    We prepared repair utility for BSOD 0xA5 affected VMs. Please check your PMs for instructions. "

    Best Regards,
    Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew was this message meant for my issue with P4 tool install. I do not know what you are talking about . Where do i look for this this utility.

    peter kofman

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