How can I remove the upload/download/disconnect button in Parallels Client window

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Google Chrome' started by StevenM5, Feb 15, 2018.

  1. StevenM5

    StevenM5 Bit poster

    We are currently running the Parallels Client in Kiosk mode. It just so happens that the user has to click right where the action bar shows up on the right hand side. I have been looking around but can not find a way to move it or disable it completely. I have attached an image to give an idea of what I am talking about. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks, httpSteve

    Attached Files:

  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    @StevenM5 I do not know how to hide the action bar. However, the upload and download buttons will not be shown if you deselect "Allow file transfers" in "Gateway properties > HTML5 > Restrictions". Hopefully that will be enough to allow the right click until the action bar is made moveable or auto-hideable.
  3. StevenM5

    StevenM5 Bit poster

    Thank you @jpc unfortunately that did not quite work for me but lead me in the right direction. I had to also deselect "Allow file transfers command (HTML5 and Chrome clients)" in "RD Session Hosts > properties > Agent Settings". I have included a screenshot to show you. I appreciate your help on this issue, hopefully I can find a permanent fix soon as it still overlays on the application for the client.

    Attached Files:

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