I am trying to uninstall parallel tools (not toolbox on the host) on my 10.15.5 guest OS before i upgrade it to Bug Sur. I cannot find any articles on how to do this. Thanks.
Hello @ChrisH29 Please refer to the steps below to know how to uninstall Parallels Tools from a macOS X virtual machine. However, we would like to inform you that the compatibility of Parallels Desktop and macOS Big Sur hasn't been fully tested yet by the Parallels Engineering Team. At this time, we do not have the exact ETA when Parallels Desktop willfully and officially supports the newly released macOS. However, we are working hard to make sure macOS Big Sur works with Parallels Desktop for Mac. To remove Parallels Tools from a Mac virtual machine: Start the virtual machine, and log in to the guest OS. To remove Parallels Tools, connect and mount the prl-tools-mac.iso image and launch the Parallels Tools installer. For detailed instructions, see Installing Parallels Tools in Mac OS X. Open the mounted image of the disc, and double-click the Uninstall Parallels Tools icon. In the Welcome window, click Uninstall. Enter the password when prompted. In the Uninstallation Completed window, click Restart to quit the installer and restart the virtual machine.
All Parallels Tools ISO's are placed inside ParallelsDesktop.app file. We are glad that you have resolved the issue.
I CANNOT figure it out! I have opened the Parallels App and looked everywhere I can think of within it and cannot find the prl-tools-mac.iso anywhere! Surely it should be somewhere easier to find than hidden away somewhere? HELP PLEASE.
Check if the Parallels Tools is mounted on the macOS X VM's Desktop if not use Actions > Install Parallels Tools it will mount Parallels Tools disk on desktop if you open the mounted drive you can find the uninstall option.
@PeterJ18 the OP is asking about a macOS guest, not Windows. the path to the .iso image is this: /Applications/Parallels Desktop.app/Contents/Resources/Tools/prl-tools-mac.iso