How disable Cmd Key for run Start menu?

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Mac' started by MiRaS, Nov 4, 2013.

  1. MiRaS

    MiRaS Bit poster

    When i press Cmd Key in remote Windows, then is run Start menu :evil: How disable it?
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    Why would you want to disable the Cmd key mapping over to the Windows key (especially since there are a lot of shortcut keys that are now (in Win8) dependent on having the windows key available)?
  3. MiRaS

    MiRaS Bit poster

    If press Cmd+Tab for switch 2X Client window to any Mac OS app, then is run Start menu in remote Windows.

    I have 2X Client for Windows Server 2008 and don't need any WinKey features for Win8.

    I have temporarily solved this with application WinKeyPlus.

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