How Do I Add A "Host Table Entry" in Windows

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by justflybob, Mar 19, 2007.

  1. justflybob

    justflybob Member

    Thread was moved from "General Discussions > User Solutions and Workarounds" to "Parallels Desktop for Mac > Windows Guest OS Discussion".
    Stacey M

    Hi there!

    I'm an avid Mac person stuck in a Windows environment.... which is why I am using Parallels in the first place.

    I am using Parallels build 3188 on my MacBook Pro 17" with 2GB native ram.
    I have installed Windows XP Pro SP2 and Parallel Tools.
    I am using a Bridged Network.
    I am attempting to connect to an EZ Data database over the network that resides on another Windows computer, using Sybase SQL over ODBC.
    I am able to ping the computer and the database, but it will not launch.
    Instead, I receive an error message that says the database is not running.
    All other networking features work fine.

    So, can someone much wiser than me tell me how add a "host table entry" in Windows to add the IP of the Sybase server? dkp suggested that this might solve my problem.

    Thanks in advance! :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2007
  2. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    Quite easy. Windows will fight you on this because you will go where the reprobates of Redmond would rather you did not. The file you need to edit is a simple text file and it has no extension. The path to it is C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and you need to edit this with notepad. And when you save it you cannot allow notepad to add a .txt extension to it. The file format is simple and looks like this: hostname.domain.tld

    Specifically, would look like this if you added it to your host table:

    Your local host looks like this: localhost

    It is appropriate to add any records to this table for which there are no DNS entries available. TCP/IP printers come to mind, as might other systems that exist on your local area network.

    The column on the left is separated by spaces or tabs from the column on the right and you can have as many rows as you wish. The right hand side can also be a simple hostname (or printer name). A fully qualified domain name is not required. For example: laser5m laser5m.local # HP Laserjet in cafeteria

    This provides both the short host name and it's fully qualified name assuming you have established a local tld (top level domain) of .local (.com, .net, etc. are a subset of the available domain names you can have on your personal network). Anything after the # is ignored and allows you to append human readable specifics to your entries.

    Any changes you make to your host table override DNS and take effect immediately, meaning no reboot of Windows is required. If the address of the remote host changes you are required to edit your host table or you won't be able to connect.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2007
  3. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    :D :D :D
  4. justflybob

    justflybob Member

    Thanks, dkp!

    However, in spite of your wisdom and instructions, the problem still remains. :(
  5. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    I've a feeling your sybase server is trying to open a port on you Windows client and can't find it. Possible reasons: shared networking, firewall, routing, no reverse lookup.

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