How to downgrade from PD 10 to PD 9

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by ThempuS, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. HarryM1

    HarryM1 Bit poster

    Abdul, with all due respect for your knowledge, credentials and experience with your product, I have lived in the Parallels Control Center until I'm blue in the face. I have tried virtually every conceivable configuration and came to rest with 1-CPU and 2048MB of ram. Everything about my machine is exquisite, except, as another user so aptly put it, the 'pinwheel of death' happens whenever I try to save a file or open a new folder. Even opening an Office application in Windows is painful at first while it 'spools up'. I have a higher-end version of the MB Pro, for the purpose of increased productivity, however, I'm glad I kept my Sony VAIO as a backup to run Windows when I need to get work done in that environment. My exquisite new machine is grossly limited by your software!

    Sir, I am not hearing anything tangible from Parallels about these issues...they appear to be in total denial! I think others should be warned to stay away from Parallels completely until the issues with PD10/Yosemite are resolved!

    CRAIG TAYLER Junior Member

    30 days support? You don't reply to sevice tickets, you dont answe the phone - What 30 day support?
    You dont recommend it? Why do you fail to respond or answer the "support phone" ?? You people broke Parallels in 10. Don't listen to this guy! Revert to 9 or just pony up for VMWare!

    CRAIG TAYLER Junior Member

    This is worthless advice! None of the possible settings help! Productivity would be a FULL REFUND or even a returned phone call!
  4. Ove Andersen

    Ove Andersen Bit poster

    Just gave up and bought VMWare Fusion 7, and I'm never going back. I now have way better performance and stability...
  5. HarryM1

    HarryM1 Bit poster

    I am writing back to update my posting in response to my machine's issues with PD10. The recent update has apparently fixed my issue where my virtual machine would hang each time I tried to open a file/folder or save a file. Contrary to the previous suggestions that we see a previous support fixit as the panacea, something tangible was finally done with this update and I am grateful to Parallels for hearing my complaints and I hope that other users are also benefitting from the change. I can honestly say that my VM functions as flawlessly as my OS X machine and I am loving it! Thank You!!

    CRAIG TAYLER Junior Member

    HarryM1 I never had a hang issue. My issues are two separate control windows in my tray. overall slow performance and it is sucking huge amounts of energy cutting my battery in half. I just installed on a 2015 rMBP and the issue persists. Two days ago I uninstalled 10 and reinstalled 9, much better but I will be trying VM Ware soon as there is no support for 9 now and 11 with its "50% power savings" "10 times faster" claims (always claimed with every new "must have" version)
  7. saharmohamedali

    saharmohamedali Bit poster

    Realistically, Parallels should be offering at least partial refunds to anyone who paid for a PD10 upgrade right now. It's disappointing how many bugs they introduced.
  8. RynowerksH

    RynowerksH Bit poster

    Once a very happy PD 9 user. As a result I have help sell several colleagues on PD 9. The day before my "upgrade" I was exclaiming how awesome it was to work in Windows via PD 9 than it was in Windows itself. So, finally I see "40% increase in performance, blah, blah...", it was on sale, so I take the bait....uhnnnn ever since. As of this writing I am following the steps to "downgrade" back to PD 9. What a complete disaster PD 10 is. I will be demanding my $40 back. By the way, this wretched experience has driven me into the arms of VMWare Fusion. I will trying that as soon as I have more time to move my current VM to my backup drive to give it the space it needs. I doubt I will be chancing any more "upgrades" after this. Shame on you guys, man!
  9. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    As I can see you have a performance issue with Parallels Desktop 10.
    I understand your concerns but there are some different root causes of this issue.
    If you would like to continue investigation please try this KB and also another one
    and if it doesn't help please send me a problem report using the article below (I'll check the technical information and will be able to provide you with another compatible solution)

    Except for that please submit a support request if you would like to get a refund. (Please use this link to contact Support )
  10. ADAXL

    ADAXL Junior Member

    This sounds really bad. I have to re-install my Mac and will be re-installing Parallels. I am running Mavericks, and I had Parallels 9 before. I want to install Parallels 10 to run Windows 10. It have a Windows 8 virtual machine and plan to upgrade to Windows 10. I hoped there would be no problems since I would install on a clean system.

    Now, after reading all this, I wonder if it is worth the effort.

    So, does anybody have experience with Parallels 10 on Mavericks? What's the performance like?

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