How to export ssl from RAS with private key

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by ArifS, Nov 9, 2022.

  1. ArifS

    ArifS Junior Member

    I am trying to import ssl into Fortiweb which requires ssl to be exported with private key. When export ssl from RAS server, I just export certificate .crt without private key. How do export ssl with private key?
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    @ArifS When one exports a certificate from RAS Console they export both public and private keys in a single crt. If, for some reason, your crt file does not contain both, export it again. You can confirm that both are exported by opening the crt file in a text editor. If this is not the case, then you may need to update your installation of RAS.
    If Fortiweb is still not accepting the crt file with both public and private keys, then it may be expecting a different certificate format.
  3. ArifS

    ArifS Junior Member

    @jpc, I am able to import the certificate in .crt format. There are few places where you can import the certificate.

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