How to have Parallels fill window on screen

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by hilmartor, Jun 15, 2007.

  1. hilmartor

    hilmartor Member


    Since upgrading I lost the ability to have Parallels follow the size of the window on screen. I could drag one corner and it would re-size properly. How can I turn this feature on?

  2. coreyjf

    coreyjf Bit poster

    WHich guest os are you using.
  3. Ankou

    Ankou Guest

    Hello hilmartor
    I recommend you to reinstall Parallels Tools.
  4. hilmartor

    hilmartor Member

    I re-installed Parallels tools but same problem. If I try to make the window bigger I get a black border inside the window around XP.

    I am running Mac Os 10.4.9 and Parallels 3.0 (build 4128).

    Any idea?

  5. wingdo

    wingdo Pro

    Can you post a screen shot somewhere and link that to us?
  6. Kharn

    Kharn Bit poster

    I've had a similar problem, every time I go into fullscreen mode I'm left with the OS X menu bar at the top of the screen and my dock icons. It is quite irritating to have OS X overlaid onto my Window's environment. I've installed and reinstalled tools several times but to no avail. :confused:
  7. cmayaud

    cmayaud Junior Member

    I had the same problem ... you have to uncheck the "Change Mac OS Xresolution" box in the center of the "Appearance" Tab in the Preferences
  8. hilmartor

    hilmartor Member

    I think that did the trick. Thanks cmayaud!

  9. Kharn

    Kharn Bit poster

    Toggling that on or off makes no difference in my situation. It's frustrating to try and select desktop items in Windows when the OS X Parallels Menu is overlaid the entire top of my screen, not to mention having the dock smack dab in the center of my bottom screen.

    Any other ideas?
  10. Rachel Faith

    Rachel Faith Hunter

    I have a couple of questions for you. As I have spent that last 72 hours exclusively trying to solve my video / mouse problem.

    Is this a fresh VM or did you upgrade from 2.5 or another previous version of Parallels.

    Have you attempted to reinstall parallels from the MAC side? It will not remove the hdd files.

    Please post any and all other steps taken, several of us are having like problems and Parallels is aware of it but having difficulty duplicating these errors. Perhaps with a cascade of information, we will stumble upon the common denominator.
  11. Kharn

    Kharn Bit poster

    I upgraded from 2.5, running it off a boot camp partition, and already tried reinstalling tools.
  12. Rachel Faith

    Rachel Faith Hunter

    Mine too was an upgrade. But a regular VM not bootcamp, so this helps narrow it down. It worked fine in 2.5 right?
  13. Kharn

    Kharn Bit poster

    Of course. :D
  14. NessyUK

    NessyUK Member

    Almost the Same

    I now have this. I upgraded to 3 yesterday and was enjoying full screen on my second monitor. I use a bootcamp partition.

    Today when I booted up I found I could no longer fill the screen or make the OS Window bigger than my macbook screen.

    I have not tried reinstalling Tools yet, will try that when I am back at work .....
  15. Rachel Faith

    Rachel Faith Hunter

    So you upgraded and it worked fine, but after a reboot, then the problem began? That is similar to my experience. When I go thru the hastle of uninstalling and reinstalling, it works... but only for that session. If I reboot, it goes back to not working and I am forced to uninstall and reinstall again to get things to work for that sesion. Same for you ?
  16. NessyUK

    NessyUK Member

    Hi Rachel = yep thats how it worked for me.

    However, I have just reinstalled Parallels Tools as I am trying to solve my 'no doc-icons' problem and the full-screen is back. I will still wait to see what happens when I am back at work with a dual-screen. It did not solve my 'no dock-icons' :0(

    Will keep playing and keep an eye on whether it goes again......
  17. Rachel Faith

    Rachel Faith Hunter

    I have done every possible reinstall in every way ever suggested and the problem always returns after a reboot... even when I can trick it to sort of work for a session. It costs me an hour or two per day of down time on this machine.
  18. kat

    kat Product Expert


    You have more than one OS listed. Is your issue with openSUSE10.2?
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2007
  19. Rachel Faith

    Rachel Faith Hunter

    Mine is with XP... I have NOT risked upgrading my NON XP VMs yet.
  20. kat

    kat Product Expert

    You were able to update parallels tools in XP, no issue with the install?

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