How to Hide Control Center?- Parallels 10

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by GeorgeBH, Aug 22, 2014.

  1. GeorgeBH

    GeorgeBH Bit poster

    I hate having the new Parallels Desktop Control Center Menu floating everytime I open Parallels. How can I permanently hide this so I do not have to deal with it each time Parallels opens up? It is a very annoying new "Feature".
  2. SkyFoxXP

    SkyFoxXP Junior Member

    I personally always open Parallels by directly clicking on a VM icon alias on my desktop, hence I never see the Control Center.
  3. GeorgeBH

    GeorgeBH Bit poster

    That does not work for me with Parallels 10- it still opens the control center palet. Do you have parallels 10?

    EDIT- Well yes, your fix does work if I go into Options>Startup and Shutdown>Set Automatically and can change from the default of Never to When Parallels Deskop starts. However, it would still be nice to not have windows start automatically and instead have parallels open up, but without the command center palet.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  4. ZivHen

    ZivHen Bit poster

    Hi GeorgeBH! Did this really make the control center go away? I tried to do the same but it didn't help. The VM now indeed automatically opens but it still opens the control center in the background and I still see two icons (one for control center and one for the VM) and not just one...
  5. Sven Axelsson

    Sven Axelsson Bit poster

    I regularly use several VMs, so I do want to see the control center window, but only when I choose to. Now it pops up every time I switch to Parallels from another application (with command+tab). Not only is this very irritating, but it also messes with Mission Control's virtual desktops, so I end up in the wrong space. Please tell me how to hide it more permanently.
  6. Robert Grether

    Robert Grether Junior Member

    I really, really dislike this new "feature" of having the Parallels Desktop Control Center open unless it is manually closed. It was so nice before when it just disappeared when a virtual machine was opened. I understand that some developers may have multiple OS that they are switching back and forth between, but I assume most Parallels users are like me: just want to run Windows on their Mac. At least I would hope Parallels makes it a preference that can be turned on or off.

    It is particularly frustrating when I am Cmd-tabbing between apps and the control center pops up instead of Windows and when I am trying to shut down and I first have to Quit (to Suspend) the VM, and then have to quit Parallels again.
  7. Kiwiadventure

    Kiwiadventure Junior Member

    Mine is always hidden and only comes up if I click on it.
  8. Kevin_Hollingshead

    Kevin_Hollingshead Bit poster

    +1 vote for annoying feature. If I close it, it should stay closed. Any options?
  9. DrewG1

    DrewG1 Bit poster

    This issue is driving me nuts. Why is Parallels being so silent on this board? Clearly this frustrating plenty of people.
  10. KenV54

    KenV54 Member

    Interesting--I am greatly annoyed by this "feature" myself and was about to start a new thread on it when I found this one.
    Since this annoyance wasn't present on earlier versions, or at least I don't recall that it was, it seems to me it should be easy enough to remove it or make it a preference to have it or not in this version. Why Parallels wouldn't be following threads like this is beyond me.
  11. chuckboucher

    chuckboucher Junior Member

    It was present in P9D, but there was an option to hide the dock icon of each guest OS VM, so you'd only have a single icon.
  12. Maheesh@Parallels

    Maheesh@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi All,

    It is a default behavior of Parallels Desktop 10 for Mac and hence it is not possible to remove the icons from your Mac Dock.

    However, we would share your feedback with our development team.
  13. chuckboucher

    chuckboucher Junior Member

    Can the option be made to hide the guest VM icons, like it was in version 9?
  14. Maheesh@Parallels

    Maheesh@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi Chuck,
    At this moment, it is not possible to hide the icons of the Virtual Machine when the VM is running.
    The only way to remove the VM icon from the Dock is : Right click on the Windows VM icon in the Dock and disable the option : Keep in Dock.
    Now Shutdown or suspend the VM and check.
  15. chuckboucher

    chuckboucher Junior Member

    Keep in Dock is already unchecked and it comes back. All that Keep in Dock does is keeps the icon in the dock after the app is closed. I'd like to have the icon for the guest OS VM not show up at all, even when the guest OS VM is running, as it was able to do in Parallels 9 Desktop.
    KenV54 likes this.
  16. KenV54

    KenV54 Member

    I'm not sure what you're saying, and I'm glad Parallels is paying attention to this, but we're not talking about the icons, here. All we want is that the Control Center Panel doesn't drop down and have to be minimized or clicked out every time we go to any open VM window. See my attached screen shot. It used to be that the Control Center panel showed up at the beginning of a Parallels session and then didn't reappear unless you clicked on the Window drop down menu. Now you can't get rid of it at all. Have I clarified the problem? If not, let me know and I'll post it again. Thank you.

    Attached Files:

    • CP.jpg
      File size:
      107.3 KB
  17. Ryan1

    Ryan1 Bit poster

    I have made a small screen cast of the issue:

    When clicking the Parallels dock icon to view my VM I am faced with the Desktop Control Centre *every time*.
    Once I have launched my VM I don't want to see the Control Centre every time I click on the Parallels icon. This was the functionality in Parallels 9.

    I hope Parallels can fix this "bug".
  18. Gilbert_Guillaumier

    Gilbert_Guillaumier Bit poster

    I really hope this will be fixed soon. The control centre popping up every time is a massive nuisance!
  19. geoff_g

    geoff_g Bit poster

    Yes, big nuisance as well as the double icon nuisance. If this is the direction Parallels is heading I'm leaving. Then again if Parallels are not listening to users I really won't miss it. I have enough nuisances to deal with let alone stupid crap like this. I can say this is my last upgrade given the crap they are putting out.

    Does anyone know if our bootcamp partition will work with Fusion after being used with Parallels?
  20. Jan_Ja

    Jan_Ja Bit poster

    "Yes, big nuisance as well as the double icon nuisance." Agreed. It's a big double nuisance. I'm also leaving if this is not fixed very soon.

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