I am running Parallels 19 on macOS Sonoma and Windows 11. I can switch from macOS to windows with control+right arrow, but in windows control+left arrow does not work. It works with two fingers on the magic mouse, but I use a Logitech mouse and therefore want to switch via the keyboard. How should I set things up to make it work?
Are you using the control key on the Right side of the keyboard (the one to the right of the Space bar)? I have been using that key combination for as long as I've been running Parallels (and VMWare before that) and it always seems to work. Right side Control key + Right Arrow - virtual machine, Right side Control key + Left Arror - MacOS.
Thank you very much for your reply. With me there is no difference between the left and right Control key. If I enter Auto instead of Always in the dialog box below it works, but then I cannot use Command+tab in the Windows VM to switch between the applications there. I have to use Option+tab and that is again inconvenient ...
Ahh, I see. A clashing set of key assignments. I've never had the occassion to use that key combination. Now I'm going to have to just to see if I can find a way around the problem you're having.