How to uninstall Parallels Desktop from iMac?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by JOHNH55, Nov 14, 2022.

  1. JOHNH55

    JOHNH55 Bit poster

    What is the procedure to completely uninstall Parallels Desktop 17.1 from my iMac? To be clear.....remove ALL files associated with the program.
    I have searched, but can't seem to find the answer.
  2. Bhargava

    Bhargava Bit poster

    Hello, please refer to and follow the steps to remove your virtual machine in Parallels Desktop for Mac and refer to and follow the steps to uninstall Parallels Desktop for Mac. Thanks.
  3. JOHNH55

    JOHNH55 Bit poster

    Thanks for the help, but this does not remove ALL files associated with the program. After following the above instructions there are at least 50 files remaining associated with Parallels, based on using a simple search. There may be others that are not so easily recognized.
    How can these files be identified and deleted? I cannot just start deleting files without knowing if it will cause other problems within the system.
    JS_10 likes this.

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