HTML5 Gateway with SSO

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server – HTML5 Gateway' started by ThaiN, Apr 3, 2018.

  1. ThaiN

    ThaiN Bit poster

    Dear all.
    I am new with Paralells Server and wonder does RAS HTML5 Gateway support SSO ( Single sign on) function ?
    Thanks for reading this thread.
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    @ThaiN The HTML5 Gateway does not currently support SSO integration. To be honest, I think that integrating SSO would require a client-side plugin. This would defeat one of the best features of the HTML5 client - that of being an installation-less client.
    Having said that, you should post your requirements (maybe with a use-case scenario) in the feature suggestions section so that the RAS team can take it into consideration:
  3. ThaiN

    ThaiN Bit poster

    @jpc Many thanks for your reply. I will post function request soon.

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