Huge parallels.log

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by RynoB, May 5, 2011.

  1. MnGolfNut

    MnGolfNut Bit poster

    How to delete a large Parallels.log file

    As with other application issues, usually there are System/User Services preventing locked files from being managed/deleted/etc. I was able to delete a 12+gb log file using this process on a Windows XP SP3 VM.
    1. Open Computer Management and/or Services.msc
    2. Stop ALL Parallels Services (too many to list here).
    3. Delete the Parallels.log file.
    4. Restart the VM.
    5. Review Event Logs for any suspicious log entries

    HTH... Rick
  2. MNuffort

    MNuffort Bit poster

    Is there any update on this issue? It is still happening for me on Build 9.0.24172. Sometimes it takes a week for the log files to grow to massive size, but sometimes it takes only a day. I am seeing two log files that together are more than 100GB. I have filed a support request and received the same reply to make sure the detailed log file option was not checked (it wasn't) and to compress the hard disk. The problem continues. This error message is being written numerous times per millisecond.

    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty
    01-08 10:40:33.999 F /USB:17771:9a0f/ [HUB] hub event dropped due to io-packet queue empty

  3. A in Fla

    A in Fla Bit poster

    This is utterly ridiculous. I finally got sick of how large Parallels had grown to spend the time looking into it. Numerous attempts to delete snapshots and shrink the disk and reclaim space had all failed, and I was hideously frustrated. Performance of parallels was also terrible.

    Tonight I was ready to give up on the VM and copy the contents to a new virtual drive.

    You know what I found while looking for a .hdd file to delete? The log file. And its numerous old versions gzipped.

    How big were the logs in total?


    What was in them? A million entries of nonsense, and 10,000 entries of Parallels freezing of crashing when switching to coherence, or my forcing it to quit because it was so g'dammed slow.

    So I googled this thread and just deleted the whole 150GB mess of them.

    You know what doesn't work on parallels now? Nothing. Nothing doesn't work. Everything is fine.

    Actually, with the log deleted, Parallels launches about 20x faster than it did before. I had almost given up on it, and I went out of my way to avoid having to start Windows because parallels was so draggy and slow and unreliable.

    With the logs deleted -- all of a sudden its fast, reliable, no problems at all!

    This is ridiculous. People have been complaining about this problem for three years. It eats up hard drive space (more than 1/4 of my boot drive!), it slows down the whole Mac, it degrades Parallels performance terribly, and the issue is so obscure there's no way at all to deal with it through the interface. The only way to do it is to open the package and drag the un-explained package contents to the trash.

    Really? This is the best you can do? Really?
    DanW1 likes this.
  4. VijayD

    VijayD Bit poster

    I have the same problem others have mentioned in this thread and have had it for years. In the past it was an occasional nuisance , requiring me to delete the "parallels.log" file in the C:\Windows\Logs folder every so often, then restarting my system. I kept hoping that this issue would be fixed in a future version, but three new versions later (I'm on version 10 now), the problem is still there and even worse than ever. I now find myself having to go through this process at least once every two days, and sometimes multiple times a day, and it is quickly getting old. I also often have to Force Quit the VM because it will stop responding, usually after copying some text. Two points that may help you diagnose the problem: 1) I use Dropbox within the VM, 2) The VM will often lock-up while running Visual Basic.NET 2010 in debug mode.

    I hope this issue gets resolved soon. If it doesn't, I will probably end up switching to VMWare Fusion and if I go to the trouble and expense of doing so, I will not switch back. I apologize if that sounds harsh, but I rely on your product for my job and need it to work properly.
  5. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi VijayD,
    Please generate a Problem Report ID as suggested at and provide us the Problem Report ID number, so we can check it for you.
    We appreciate your time and patience.
  6. user2342353245

    user2342353245 Bit poster

    This is pathetic...
    • Times in my life when I needed to comb through a 1gb or larger text file.... ZERO!!!!!!!
    • Don't you people know how to put limitations on log file size? Is this rocket science or something? I mean if file size of log > 1gb then end log process or ask user to apply limit or something, how complicated it could it be?
    • Nobody at parallels is aware that computers have SSD drives?
    • Parallels is at Version 10.1.4 as of today, since version 1 you guys thought that your users would just make do with manually cleaning out log files they will never use every week or so in directories we shouldn't be messing around in? I see many other conveniences you added to parallels, many I don't even need, but to have a log file that's so huge that I have zero disk space seems to be a higher priority in my view than many of the extra features of parallels that I never use.
    • Is there not an option to turn off the log file? How hard is that? On or off, it's a binary value, you guys couldn't program that?
    • It seems there is no common sense at Parallels, this 20GIG+ log files should NOT be a defualt..
  7. M.B

    M.B Bit poster

    DITTO CarbonFiberHoods comments above.
    I have been struggling with full system drive for many months and just found out (after hours of searching folders) that my 1TB SSD system drive had over 450GIG of parallels log files. Yes, 450GIG.. this is crazy and I deleted them manually. What a joke!

    I decided to see if others had similar issues and found many many links online with the same issue. This thread is now almost 1yr past the latest update and still no fix from Parallels?

    What in the world could be done with log files that large? not to mention I have lost files and productivity due to not knowing why my system has been 99% full for so long. thanks parallels..
  8. Maria@Parallels

    Maria@Parallels Problem solver

    Hi, did you try to untick the "use detailed log messages" in Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> Advanced?
  9. JackWu

    JackWu Bit poster

    1. Open terminal
    cd /Library/Logs/
    lsof parallels.log
    copypaste 437 jackwu 3w REG 1,5 1708911 27683057 parallels.log
    prldragdr 442 jackwu 3w REG 1,5 1708911 27683057 parallels.log
    kill copypaste, prldragdr process which list on terminal
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017

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