HI , thanks for taking time to read this , I had a MBP 2007 core 2 duo , running fine on snow leopard with parallels 4 with windows 7 i think inside , and had a carbon copy clone of the disk , after osx upgraded to lion parallels 4 wasn't supported , I lost access to parallels and theres no (or I deleted ) .PVM file to be seen , it was ok I thought as I had a Clone still on snow leopard with parallels and my windows with said file inside ...I used the lion copy for a couple years and.... then my machine stopped working properly , and I forgot all about it ,I only recently got a replacement 2008 MBP same Hardware and tried to boot my old disk realising then I had erroneously formatted the clone NTFS on a windows machine , ...! I can still boot the lion copy but not the formatted NTFS with snow leopard and paralells4 and windows , running easUs over the formatted drive I see a lot of windows looking files .... I didn't delete anything off the snow leopard drive just formatted !! HELP !! argggh .... I'm lost could I upgrade on the Lion osx copy and recover parallels? I have a copy of parallels 7 and a key...? or dig the win files off the original snow leopard copy using easUs and upgrade parallels 4 to the paralells 7 and load in my .pvm? or .hdd if its found ? any solution recovering windows access here will ease my stress and get you .25 BTC ...! I'm happy to buy the latest parallels and put it onto a 2018 mbp and put whatever files I need to run the old machine in there ? thanks again for reading this !
not sure this will help you but .pvm files use to be the .hdd before PD desktop 4 the location of the files should be uers/myname/library/winxp.pvm/winxp.hdd if it was an windows xp and you didn't delete it. you can always search .hdd in mac finder to see if you still have them.