Idle processor load.

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by bothaus, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. bothaus

    bothaus Bit poster

    Anyone else experiencing idle proc usage of around 30-50% idle. I am. Fusion runs at 10% (expected). This is using boot camp partitions through both parallels and fusion on 2.33GHz Core 2 duo. Any ideas? Also using Parallels 3.0- latest. But this issue has been the same for me through every single build since at least 2.0. Thanks.
  2. dippyskoodlez

    dippyskoodlez Member

    I had this problem using Windows Vista.

    I deleted the bootcamp install, put XP on, and have noticed CPU usage is down.
  3. w7ox

    w7ox Hunter

    Here running about 10% when on line in OS X and WinXP running under Parallels 3.

    Reasonable I think. I am *not* using a Bootcamp partition (removed BC and started over With Parallels 2 .. and upgraded to PD 3 last week).

  4. bothaus

    bothaus Bit poster

    Thanks for the replys. I forgot to mention I am using XP pro SP2. Parallels is the only thing that chews on the processor so heavily. It might be the Airport Disk utility that runs in the background. When I was away from my home network (Airport extreme 802.11n), I was trying to show a coworker and it ran fine 10% or so. Back home, back to 30-50%. Only thing different was wireless with the Airport NAS. I will look into this further. But as it turns out I am starting to use the Fusion beta more and more. Unity is a lot better IMO than Coherence and the product lets me use my existing network w/o making changes to fw0 ports for VPN access, Airport disks etc. Just a little too fundamentally buggy for a version 3 release.

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