If you want to use iCloud on a new Mac you're out of luck

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration' started by Skysurfer, Nov 21, 2021.

  1. Skysurfer

    Skysurfer Member

    Bad news, friends. If you want to use iCloud on your new M1 Mac to sync Outlook for Windows with your iPhone or even between Windows and Mac contacts, it won't work.

    Just got off the phone with THREE Microsoft support techs...what a colossal waste of time...and the Windows Preview Pro that Parallels recommends is NOT compatible with Outlook for Windows. Yes, you read that right. Outlook will run and behave normally; until you want to use iCloud to sync to Outlook. No can do. Microsoft recommends using the Windows 11 Home version for that. Which surprise surprise is not compatible with the Mac M1. Kinda blows my mind that a Microsoft tech said Microsoft Outlook is not compatible with the Microsoft operating system.

    If anyone out there has a work-around for syncing Outlook contacts with the iPhone or iCloud, please post it.


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