Impossible to access 4128 VMs alternatively from 2 users?

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by kuebler, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. kuebler

    kuebler Member

    I run 4128 on my Macbook with 10.4.10 and one WinXP VM (no Bootcamp). On this computer I have 2 users, "Meins" and "Artur". The VM had first been created under user "Meins".

    I have moved the .pvs and .hdd file to /Users/Shared/Parallels/WinXP. Under user "Meins" everything runs fine. Under user "Artur" I get always the error message.:

    "Parallels Desktop is unable to access the virtual hard disk image file /Users/Shared/Parallels/WinXP/WinXP.hdd. The file is missing, corrupted, or used by other application."

    This appears independent from the access rights for the VM files. At least I have tried every change which I could think of.

    Now under user "Artur" I have used the Parallels function Clone. This worked fine, the cloning could access the original VM files, and as a result I have copies of the .pvs- and .hdd files under /Users/Shared/Parallels/Clone of WinXP.

    Under user "Artur" I can now run the VM "Clone of WinXP" without problems, but get the above error message when trying to run the VM "WinXP". Under user "Meins" it is exactly the other way around.

    What's the problem, and how to remedy it? Thanks for any support.
  2. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

  3. kuebler

    kuebler Member

    Thank you for your hint.

    But as it turns out, I had obviously done exactly what is described in the article, but it does not work at all.

    So something seems to be fundamentally wrong. I cannot test with 2.5, because I don't have it anymore.

    Can somebody from Parallels look into the problem please? Thanks.
  4. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    The .pvs file on my system has path info in it that tells Parallels where to find the .hdd file. I'd think this would have to be edited to point to it's new location.

    Edit: My recollection was off - it does say where to find the .fdd file and also provides the filename of the .hdd file, but not the path.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2007
  5. kuebler

    kuebler Member

    Doubleclicking the same .pvs file from the one user works ok, while doubleclicking it from the other user triggers the error.

    But I have to say the whole thing is very strange... One simply wouldn't expect any complex problem, isn't it? I can only speculate, that some indirect hidden referrals are made which cannot be fulfilled. But how could that be? :confused:
  6. dkp

    dkp Forum Maven

    You're not trying to allow two users to use it concurrently? That won't work. That is to say, you've shut down one instance before starting a second. I'm not even sure if it is possible to not do this in the Mac come to think of it. The other thing to examine is the permissions and ownerships of all the files in the new location. They need to be read/writable by both users as do the directories they are in. In particular examine the DiskDescriptor.xml file permissions.
  7. kuebler

    kuebler Member

    Of course only one user is active, I believe it can't be done different on the Mac.

    After your hint I have just repaired all permissions and made sure, that "everyone" has read&write access to /Users/Shared and all folders and files below. No success, the problem hasn't vanished :(

    What's the "DiskDescriptor.xml file permissions"?

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