Improvement in Parallels Toolbox - Capture Screenshot feature

Discussion in 'Parallels Toolbox Feature Suggestions' started by ManpreetS1, Sep 3, 2020.

  1. ManpreetS1

    ManpreetS1 Bit poster

    While taking a screenshot the 2 most frequent use cases are:
    1. Take the screenshot on the clipboard - this is needed to quickly paste the screen as it is in an email or a chat window (Teams, Slack, Skype, etc.)
    2. Take the Screenshot, edit it/annotate it and then use it
    In the current version of Parallels Toolbox (Version 4.0.1 (3447)) the "Capture Area" feature is great but it only allows one of the 2 options at a time, although these 2 options are mostly needed interchangeably without going in the "Capture Area" tool options and change it permanently every time.
    There are 2 ways to provide this feature:
    - Give the user a choice when "Capture Area" is done to select either: "clipboard" or "Show Preview" for quick edit.
    - Provide another tool called "Capture Area to Clipboard" in addition to "Capture Area".
    This will be immensely useful for a lot of other users as well I believe!!

  2. Alex Patsay

    Alex Patsay Parallels Team

    Thank you for your feedback. Couple of things that may be helpful:
    - if you press Control button while using Clipboard Area, the screenshot will be put in the clipboard instead of creating a file. Alternatively you can choose a setting in Capture Area to put screenshots to clipboard.
    - the option "floating screenshot" in Capture Area tool allows you to annotate a screenshot. Once you see a floating screenshot preview at the bottom right corner of the screen, click it, and it will open this screenshot in macOS annotation mode.

    Try these and let us know if this helps
    Screen Shot 2020-10-23 at 11.25.44 AM.png
  3. BobA2

    BobA2 Bit poster

    The current version of Parallels Toolbox 4.1.1 (3698) on Big Sur no longer saves Capture output to both the selected Screenshots directory and the clipboard. Previous behaviour which was present on High Sierra was highly desirable. Is there a way to configure the Capture (windows, areas) in the current version to to that (concurrent save-to file and clipboard). I recognize the use of the Control button to select between alternative destinations - I want my "cake" on the clipboard and to eat it later from the file system also.

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