Improvements to make

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for Windows' started by TaneK, Mar 31, 2016.

  1. TaneK

    TaneK Bit poster

    Here are some suggestions, that can make 2x rdp become competent:
    1. Remote as multiple monitors does not work. I.e. if I have 2 monitors at home and 2 monitors at work, and even if I select Connection properties => Display => Use all monitors for Desktop Session, Span Across all monitors, I do not see 2 screen in 2x RDP window.
    2. In Connection Properties, on Display tab, there is Size property drop down menu, and there is "Use available area" option. It works great. However, it would be much better if it can recognize the available area dynamically. I have two monitors with different sizes, one small, and one big. When I open 2x RDP client on one of the monitors, the "Use available area" option adjusts the screen size to the monitor I used. However, if I drag the 2x RDP window to the other monitor, the size of the 2x RDP screen stays the same, without adjusting to the new size of the new monitor. The only way to adjust the screen to fit the new size for now is to close the connection and reconnect. One suggestion is that it should be able to adjust the screen according to 2x RDP's window size.
    Teamviewer's viewing window actually works in this way.

    3. My monitors are relatively small. So, it would be great if the user is given an option to hide the upper task bar of the 2x RDB client, which contains "Option", "Refresh", "Up", "Folders", "View", "Options" , "Connection Properties", so that I can use the full available space on the top.
    4. Login does not work properly. Connection Properties => Logon => Auto Logon, and filling the user name and password does not work with user name that is in email form. Windows 8 or above usually sign in with email id, not a local id. That is, instead of asdfasdf. However, 2x RDP does not support to be used in Username for automatic login. If I type email into Username, then it converts to local version of it and tries to use the local version in the remote machine, which fails in Windows 8 or above.

    5. Windows key does not work properly in remotely connected window. In teamviewer, when the teamviewer window is in focus, pressing window key would only apply to the remote computer, which is what a user expects. But in 2x Rdp, pressing windows key would not only trigger windows key in remote computer, but also on my computer as well. This can create very uncomfortable experience for many users.

    6. Just like #5, Alt + Tab Key does not work properly in remote computer.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2016
    Maria@Parallels likes this.
  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    What device are you using?
    I'm assuming it is the Windows client, which OS are you using?
  3. TaneK

    TaneK Bit poster

    I am using Windows 10
  4. jpc

    jpc Pro


    1. Multiple monitors: This should work as you want. So it could be a configuration issue:
    * Size = Full screen
    * "Use all monitors for Desktop session" = enabled
    * " Span across all monitors" = disabled.
    Multiple monitors is only for "Full Screen". Spanning makes use of 1 monitor only.
    2. I agree, auto-fitting to current screen size when using available area would be nice to have.
    3. Regarding upper bar. If you are not using v15 client, can you upgrade and re-check?
    4. Login does not work properly with Win8 credentials: Go to "Advanced Settings" -> "Use Pre Windows 2000 login format" and disable it.
    5/6. Windows key and special keys: If you want them to work always (by default they redirect to server only in Full Screen mode), make sure "Local Resources" -> "Keyboard" is set to "On the remote computer"
  5. KendellC

    KendellC Bit poster

    Hello, just installed with administrator rights, or give to users admin rights, to create the RDP option. them create the connection, and after tht remove the admin rights. That works for me.

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