Increase disk size guest os

Discussion in 'Linux Virtual Machine' started by MickiB, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. MickiB

    MickiB Bit poster

    I have installed Ubuntu 10.10 (64 bit) and i need to increase disk size,
    I increaed disk size in parallel, but i don't know how to update partition in size in ubuntu,
    Can anyone post instruction how to do it ?
  2. JEarles

    JEarles Hunter

    Unfortunately this isn't quite as easy as you would hope. You cannot resize a mounted disk in Linux. Probably the easiest way to do this is to download the gparted live CD .iso file and tell your Ubuntu VM to boot from that image as the CD Drive. Then you should be able to resize your existing hard drive partition. When gparted is finished shut down your VM and reset your VM boot order to boot from the Hard Drive again.

    Here is an article that explains the process for VMWare:

    Steps 1,3 and 6 are only things that should be different.

    Step 1 - you have already done.
    Step 3 - Use Configure... | Hardware | Boot Order to change the Boot Order and Hardware | CD/DVD 1 to point your CD to the downloaded .iso (also ensure that the Connected checkbox is checked, otherwise Parallels will ignore the CD drive during boot)
    Step 6 - Reverse what you did in Step 3

    You can download the gparted .iso from
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2012
  3. MickiB

    MickiB Bit poster

    Thanks for the reply,
    I tried to use gparted but it failed, I thought there is some other way
  4. Dishing Tech

    Dishing Tech Junior Member

  5. mohdf

    mohdf Member

    its work with me using gparted ISO :)
  6. TimothyLegg

    TimothyLegg Bit poster

    GParted doesn't work after all. The bootable CD does not understand the video emulation. You are limited to command-line interface.

    I also must flame a developer somewhere. They partitioned it in a very stupid way, poor practice to say the least. I'm sure Parallels and Ubuntu teams will gladly blame each other for this. The root partition is the one most likely to be resized, it should be the last partition. That way, you can simply resize using tune2fs. The partition that is the most probable for needing resizing should ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS be the last partition.

    Well, time to reinstall. It didn't even ask me how I wanted Ubuntu Server to partition the disk, or choose a size greater than 64GB (just decided that for me, which is annoying as hell)
  7. TiloR

    TiloR Bit poster

    Haus Interactive likes this.
  8. Haus Interactive

    Haus Interactive Bit poster

    Everything needed is in this thread but in pieces.
    JEarles post is a good start:
    ...using TiloR's suggestion of using an old version of Gparted:
    I found that once I was in GParted that I didn't have the swap partition described. Instead I had what looked like two disks: sda1 and sda2. I DELETED sda2 which created room to expand sda1 into that area and use all the space I created in my Parallels settings.
  9. StephenB7

    StephenB7 Bit poster

    Why not just work out of a shared folder?
  10. LiamR

    LiamR Bit poster

    worked fantastic!! Thank you :)

    Ubuntu 18.04 on a Mac Pro 2019 16"
  11. Meng-Yuan Huang

    Meng-Yuan Huang Bit poster

    gparted works well!
    However, gparted has no official live CD for arm64. For Parallels Apple M1 users, I have a workaround:
    In Parallels config, create another hard disk. Then, you can install any arm64 Linux (e.g., Debian, Ubuntu) and light weight desktop (e.g., LXQt) on the new hard disk. Then, change boot order in Parallels config. Boot from the new disk, install gparted, and resizing the old hard disk!
  12. Meng-Yuan Huang

    Meng-Yuan Huang Bit poster

    I found Fedora has aarch64 live CDs! (e.g., Fedora-Workstation-Live-aarch64-35-1.2.iso) It's unnecessary to use another hard disk to use gparted. After booting the Fedora live OS, one can install gparted from terminal and use it to resize hard disk.

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