Input delay in Big Sur?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by CaryJ, Jul 9, 2021.

  1. CaryJ

    CaryJ Bit poster

    TL;DR: mouse input (lag) is bad enough I can't justify purchasing Parallels. Any solutions out there?

    Long version:
    Hey, folks!
    I was initially very excited about finding a Windows option for me to be able to play Minecraft: Bedrock Edition with my family, but I'm finding that the mouse-input delay is preventing me from being able to play the game in an enjoyable fashion.

    I've tried several things:
    • closing all extra programs
    • playing on my Mac only (no extended desktop)
    • trying wired mouses and bluetooth mouses separately
    I'm bummed that I don't think this will work for me unless I can figure out a solution before my trial date is over. Any help is appreciated!
  2. SamS4

    SamS4 Hunter

    With the Virtual Machine OFF, go to Configuration > Hardware > Boot Order, and click on Advanced Settings.
    In the Boot Flags: box, enter the string below and see if it helps. The string is "as is" --

    This Boot Flag fixed a scrolling problem I was having in Microsoft Project, and it might help you.
  3. CaryJ

    CaryJ Bit poster

    That helped out the scrolling issue, for sure! There's now just a little bit of delay when I'm trying to play Minecraft: Bedrock Edition. I'm still messing around with the settings, but I feel good about finding a solution at some point. For now, things are playable and usable--thank you for the help!
  4. DavidH61

    DavidH61 Bit poster

    Did you ever find a solution? If you did please let me know Ive been having the same problem for just as long a time
  5. CaryJ

    CaryJ Bit poster

    I did get a newer MacBook Pro (one of the ones with the Max M1 chip), and I threw all the RAM/everything else at it that I could. That seems to have done the trick. I swapped computers in December, and I'd given up on fixing the issues months before, so it's also possible an updated fixed it.

    Sorry - wish I could be more helpful!
  6. DavidH61

    DavidH61 Bit poster

    Could i ask what version of Windows are you using i think all of this may be because im using windows 11 arm. I cant seem to find a windows 10 arm dmg
  7. CaryJ

    CaryJ Bit poster

    I just uninstalled everything (virtual machine included) and reinstalled so that I would have the Windows 11 ARM (not Windows 11 Preview Build). So, currently running the Windows 11 version I purchased.

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