Install Parallels Tools not working, custom resolution still broken in OS/2

Discussion in 'Other Virtual machines' started by SpiceWare, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. SpiceWare

    SpiceWare Bit poster

    I just upgraded to PD 3.0 and tried booting eComStation 1.1(OS/2). During the startup I get

    C:\OS2\BOOT\PRLMOUS.SYS not installed
    C:\OS2\BOOT\MOUSE.SYS not installed
    C:\OS2\MDOS\VMOUSE.SYS not installed

    I hit ENTER to continue, and of course have no mouse.

    I used keyboard shortcuts* to get a command prompt up, then hit ctrl+alt to release keyboard and mouse.

    From Parallels Desktop's menu bar I select Actions -> Install Parallels Tools
    click OK on the dialog about installing Parallels Tools
    click OK on the dialog about "CD image with Parallels Tools for OS/2 and eComStation is now connected"

    a few seconds later I get an error "Unable to open device/file". Attempting to access the CD at the OS/2 command prompt yields "SYS0021: The drive is not ready."

    To fix the mouse, I typed
    e c:\config.sys

    hit CTRL-F and find the line with PRLMOUS in it and put REM in front, as:

    find the line with TYPE=PRLMOUS in it:

    and remove TYPE=PRLMOUS$.

    Once this is done save the file and reboot OS/2. The mouse will work, but will not synchronize between OS/2 and OS X.

    Update: just figured out how to install the tools:
    From the Parallels Desktop menu, select Devices->CD/DVD-ROM1 -> Connect Image

    Select the image which will be found at

    Note - this is not the library found in your home folder, you'll have to select the Library folder found on your system hard drive.

    Also the Custom Resolutions is still broken under OS/2. It stopped working when I installed 3186 :(

    On the plus side, the colored cursors are no longer scrambled :)

    * In case anybody else needs to know, the keys to use are:
    1) ALT-SHIFT-TAB to select the desktop
    2) CTRL-\ to deselect all objects
    3) SHIFT-F10 to bring up the desktop menu
    4) cursor UP/DOWN until COMMAND PROMPTS is selected
    5) cursor LEFT to bring up the sub menu
    6) ENTER to select theCommand Prompt (not the DOS prompt)

    you can also pick shutdown at step 4
  2. vilmoskörte

    vilmoskörte Member

    Yes, I have the same experience here: Parallels Mouse does no longer work with the latest release (it used to work before). I already filed a problem with parallels support but they do not answer.
  3. Butti

    Butti Bit poster

    Thanks for your post. This helped a lot.

    Just a remark for the EcS12-Users amongst us (are there any?): Just copy the prlmous.sys from \DRIVERS\MOUSE\OS2 (vmtools.iso) to \OS2\BOOT and mouse support will work again. Don't use the (obviously outdated) version in the ECS12 folder.

    Cheers, Uli
  4. Scrutch2001

    Scrutch2001 Junior Member

    I'm using OS/2 under Parallels. Actually, I'm using eComStation 2.0.

    I've run across the problem with mouse integration using Parallels under OS X, and so far I'm stuck too. I can live with having to manually release the mouse.

    My problem is that so far I've been unable to successfully install eComsStation 2.0 as a guest OS on my mac. The installation gets partway through and then quits during Phase 1 of the installation program. This is nothing new... I've also had problems installing eCS 2.0 under Windows versions of Parallels as well. For some reason, I was able to create a guest OS using my laptop running Windows XP, but not on my desktop computer running Vista. What I ended up doing was copying the hard disk file to different machines once I got it working on my laptop.

    Steve Crutchfield
  5. Scrutch2001

    Scrutch2001 Junior Member

    Ok, I think I've figured out how to solve the problem of mouse integration on the Mac version of Parallels.

    1. Connect the file vmtools.iso to the CD drive in OS/2 or eCS (see the discussion above).

    2. Open the CD drive in the guest OS, and navigate to \drivers\mouse\ecs12.

    3. Double-click on "Install.cmd"

    4. In the CD drive, navigate to \drivers\mouse\os2.

    5. Copy the file "PRLMOUS.sys" to C:\os2\boot. If prompted, click to over-write the existing file.

    6. Reboot.

    Apparently, the prlmous.sys driver in the OS2 folder is newer than the prlmous.sys driver in the ECS12 folder.

    I now have mouse integration working in the Mac virtual machine.

    One more thing:

    One reason I wanted to go to Version 2.0 of eCS is that it now comes with the Samba networking system. Using Samba instead of OS/2's "File and Print Client" allows me to access files on my Macintosh. It took me awhile to figure out how to do this, because at present there is no GUI to configure Samba - it has to be done manually. I created a REXX command file to put in my startup folder that creates a virtual drive with all the files on my macintosh.

    If anyone is interested, I can post the command file here.

    Steve Crutchfield

  6. MennoJoshua

    MennoJoshua Bit poster


    I have successfully used Macintosh shared drives via OS/2 File and Print Client. The Print Client doesn't work, but you can just use LPD for that.

    It is a bit of work to set up on the OS/2 side -- if you are interested, let me know and I'll make a guide.
  7. Scrutch2001

    Scrutch2001 Junior Member

    Yes, I'd be interested in seeing how you got the File and Print client to work. Does it enable the Mac OS X to "See" the OS/2 files? Also, some guidance on using LPD would be appreciated too... I've never figured that out (and I've used OS/2 for nearly 20 years now).


  8. warp4

    warp4 Member

    I see that the reply was never posted ... ??? ... I too would like to see it.
  9. Scrutch2001

    Scrutch2001 Junior Member

    REXX Script to access Mac files from an eCS Virtual Machine

    Here's the REXX Script to access mac files from an eCS virtual machine.

    Note: I'm pretty sure this works ONLY with eCS 2.0 RC4 or newer.

    Copy the script below to a file, making the following changes:

    In the last line, replace "" with the IP address of your Macintosh, "Share" with whatever folder on the Mac you want to access (I use my home folder), "User" is your username on the Mac, and "Password" is your OSX password.

    /* Load the REXX interface. */
    call RxFuncAdd 'EvfsRxLoadFuncs', 'EVFSCALL', 'EvfsRxLoadFuncs'
    call EvfsRxLoadFuncs

    /* Attach the virtual drive. */
    drive = 'M:'
    rc = EvfsRxAttach( drive )
    say 'Creating drive 'drive' rc =' rc

    /* Create mount point */
    mountPoint = drive'\'
    say 'Creating mount point 'mountPoint' rc =' EvfsRxCreateMountPoint( mountPoint )

    /* Mount the resource */
    say 'Mounting resource 'src' rc =' EvfsRxMount( 'smbfs', mountPoint, src, 'W' )

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