Install x86/x64 Windows VM on Mac with Apple Silicon (M3)

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by ITA14, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. ITA14

    ITA14 Bit poster

    Hello there,
    Hardware: I am using a MacBook Pro with Apple Silicon (M3) Processor
    Goal: I want to run inDesign inside of a Windows 11 VM on my MacBook (M3)
    Problem: Because of the processor I only can install a Windows VM based on an ARM image and not (x86/x64), but inDesign is not supported yet for ARM based architectures for Windows.
    What I tried:
    • Install a x86/x64 Windows image - not working with default Parallels for Mac application
    • Try to run Parallels for Mac via Rosetta2 application and try to install a x86/x64 Windows image - not working, because I can't start Parallels for Mac via Rosetta2.
    Does anyone have an idea how I can get the x86/x64 based VM running on the MacBook with Parallels? Or is the only way to switch to UTM or QEMU?
    Thanks in advance!
  2. JohnC68

    JohnC68 Bit poster

    A question - Assuming you have a valid license for InDesign, have you tried installing the native Apple Silicon version of InDesign on your Mac directly rather than running the Windows version through Parallels? (Not dissing Windows or Parallels in anyway - just curious as you get two installs per licence with Adobe Products generally
  3. MisterE1

    MisterE1 Bit poster

    I, too, have this same question about running an x86 OS using "Parallels Desktop 19 (Pro Edition)"
    There's some MS-DOS era games I'd like to revisit, and I'd like to avoid hunting for an alternative emulation / virtual machine solution...
  4. SamS4

    SamS4 Hunter

    As stated clearly on the Parallels website, you cannot run X86 VM's on Apple Silicon. All applications must be able to run under a 64 bit Windows 11 ARM architecture
  5. MisterE1

    MisterE1 Bit poster

    But on the topic of x86 emulation - is there a solution of some kind, at all?
  6. pmcarrion

    pmcarrion Bit poster

    UTM supports x86 on Apple Silicon.
  7. FlemmingS

    FlemmingS Bit poster

    I am running Debian Linux (x64) under UTM and have also installed Windows Server 2022 (x64) in UTM although the latter runs painstakingly slow.
    UTM may be not be the most user friendly but with the right settings it does work with both x86 and x64.

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