Hi, I just got a new Macbook (OS 10.4.10) and installed Parallels 3.0 so I could run XP Pro. I got XP running ok, but when I go into my Parallels/XP desktop, it won't read my CD-Rom drive correctly. No matter what CD or program I have in the Rom to install, 'My Computer' always shows Parallels Tools to be in the Rom drive. And I don't even own a disc for Parallels Tools!! Therefore, I can't install programs from a disc. Also, Acrobat Reader froze during its install (downloading) at 95% and I have no idea what's happening there. I've installed Parallels Tools several times in hopes that this would iron things out. I'd be grateful for some assistance; so far not much seems to work... Many Thanks,
Start up Parallels and XP. On the dropdown OSX menu which is at the top of the screen when Parallels is in focus, click ACTIONS/INSTALL PARALLELS TOOLS.
Thanks, yes, as I said, I'd already installed Parallel Tools (several times). What I needed to do was to activate my Parallels menus (contr+ alt), choose 'Devices' and choose Default CD-Rom. Then I was able to use my Rom drive to install programs. Many Thanks, Frank B.