Installing Tools in FreeBSD6.x Guest?

Discussion in 'Other Virtual machines' started by rickbsgu, Jan 30, 2010.

  1. rickbsgu

    rickbsgu Member

    Host: OS 10.6.2, Product: Parallels 5, Guest: FreeBSD 6.3
    Is there a tool install for FreeBSD (6.x)?

    I tried doing the menu install, but what appeared in my CD rom was a bunch of Windows stuff (I think 'prl-tools-other.iso' maybe should be called 'prl-tools-other-Windows.iso .

    In particular, I'm interested in getting the virtual ethernet drivers working - in particular 'vnic0' and 'vnic1'.

    Any suggestions appreciated.

  2. HorstL

    HorstL Bit poster

    same to me Installing Tools in FreeBSD7.x Guest?

    is it possible to install the parallels tools in the freebsd ? or not

    my system:
    host: os 10.6.3 parallels: 5.0.9346 guest: FreeBSD 7.3

    no answer since january is not a very good sign ... :-(
    i hope we get an answer

    br horst
  3. HorstL

    HorstL Bit poster

    Installing Tools in FreeBSD7.x Guest?


    is it possible to install the guest in FreeBSD7.x ? or not

    my system:
    host: os 10.6.3 parallels: 5.0.946 guest: FreeBSD 7.3

    thanx for answer

    br horst

    PS i tried to install the parallel tools from menu but not possible only driver for windows available.... i also found no howto...

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