Installing Windows 98 SE

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by gemillam, Apr 7, 2006.

  1. martincunningham

    martincunningham Bit poster

    Which boot disk image(s) did you use? What procedure did you follow? I'm trying to install Win95 and have gotten tantalizingly close but it hasn't happened yet. I was wondering if it was in fact possible until I came across your post.
  2. martincunningham

    martincunningham Bit poster

    problem solved! i downloaded the file that was provided by tacit_one (thank you, t_o), opened it using my WinXP V and used the floppy image to boot up my Win95 VM. had several problems after that but worked through them. When running FDISK, for example, i was getting messages indicating that no partitions were defined and that there were two fixed disks. When I changed the IDE settings in Parallels, this went away and i was able to install.
  3. kinderbrunnen

    kinderbrunnen Bit poster

    I'm also having trouble with the Windows 98 installation on my Mac.. I tried the 98SEboot.fdd, but parallels gave me the 'no boot device' error - I'm trying to get a copy of the freedos.fdd, but I don't have sufficient privileges. Can someone email it to me?

  4. jex

    jex Bit poster

    thankyou for the fdd image, saved a heap of time.

  5. jex

    jex Bit poster

    Oh and for those having problems loading progman.exe, don't use the freedos image - grab the "non-windows" win98SE .img from the link on the previous page.

    I'm using the win98se image to install win95 right now and no signs of the progman.exe error. ;)
  6. yakin_murat

    yakin_murat Bit poster

    OK...I think the basic problem with windows 98 installation is to format the disk space as FAT32. I've solved that problem. I did as follows:

    1- Configured cd-rom device to read from a windows 98 SE iso image that I downloaded from internet. This is done by clicking on the CD-ROM options in your initial parallels screen. Check "read from file" and then choose the .iso file.

    2- I've set boot options as "boot from cd-rom".

    3- When I've started the VM, I've choosen "boot from CD-ROM", not "boot from harddisk".

    4- I've choosen to "start with CD-ROM support" (the terminology may be different, I don't remember it exactly right now; but it is the 2nd choice of 3). Then dos is opened on a:.

    5- I found this link. It tells everything about how to format your hd as FAT32. Read it.

    Go to the bottom of the page. The title is "4. Clean Install".

    6- Follow the instructions there. If you have problems with format c: /s command, download an .img file that you can use ad floppy image. Where to find it is told in previous messages. (IMPORTANT: If you do not check the "connect at start up" box (which is under the checked "enable" box) in the floppy set up window of VM, floppy image doesn't run. So, make sure you check that box. Also make sure that floppy is your first choice of boot devices, if you need to apply this step.

    7- Now, after using the link on the 5th step (and + 6th step if you need), you might be able to format your hd in FAT32 file system.


    8- I run DOS again after all of these. Now, I even have the FAT32 format on the disk. I go to "e:" which is my cd-rom (set to read the win98SE.iso file). I write "setup". It is supposed to be installing Windows 98 SE, but the program is stuck at this point. I always have to restart the VM after this. But I tried another thing:

    9- "boot from CD-ROM", then choose "start set up by using Windows CD" (again I don't remember what it was writing exactly, but you'll understand what that is) and then a series of operations in DOS end with this sentence: "THERE IS NOT ENOUGH MEMORY FOR THIS SOFTWARE" (or PROGRAM). Well, my RAM is set to 256, which is a very top level that a windows 98 OS can see in its life.

  7. yakin_murat

    yakin_murat Bit poster

    I downloaded the file 98SEBoot.fdd and it worked great. Thank you all for your comments. However, one interesting addition from me: I was trying to download that .fdd file from forums site by using safari for 4-5 days. I was logging in but then I was asked to log in again, so that the download never starts as this cycle "goes to infinity". Guess what? I used firefox today, and it worked.
  8. mikedean

    mikedean Bit poster

    WIN 98 SE problem suring setup

    I get all the way through the setup and during the first computer restart the VM just hangs at a black screen. Anyone seen this? I am running RC2 on a Mac Book 2GHz.
  9. billearl

    billearl Member

    Yup. I get this every time I restart or shutdown Win 98 with RC2 (and RC1). It is a known problem to Parallels, so hopefully a fix will be coming.

    My workaround is to suspend the VM and not restart (= reset in this case) any more than necessary. I generally use Win XP anyway, so this is not a critical issue for me.
  10. dweji

    dweji Bit poster

    Ohmyfriggingod. What nightmares are brought back to mind. Four hours trying to install Win98 for a client who just has to have it for his new MacBook Pro. Shoot me in the head, Mr. Gates.
    THANKS SO MUCH for the 98SEBoot.fdd file! Something finally worked! I had tried lots of other boot disks, this one did the trick. Win98 is happily installing right now.
    Oh, and the download problem is indeed SAFARI-related. Firefox and got the file no prob.
  11. jbh001

    jbh001 Member

    Installing Windows 98SE Step-By-Step

    Not true. But my Windows 98 SE install CD has printed right on it: For PCs without Windows.
    Here are my steps:

    If you have an Upgrade CD instead of an OEM CD, try these steps instead:

    The only major problems I've had with Parallels is that Build 1970 recognized my A-Data PD2 USB flash drive, but I couldn't install my HP LaserJet 1320 via USB. With builds 3150 and 3170, the situation is exactly reversed: HP installs (relatively) fine via USB, but I can't get Windows 98 to see my USB flash drive no matter what I try.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  12. Atomic_Fusion

    Atomic_Fusion Hunter

    What are you guys using for drivers (sound and video) with win98 or winME? I installed Win ME but since I didn't know where I could find video drivers, I deleted the VM. I've got a Macbook Pro 17" Core Duo 2.16, so I need the specific driver for the display in it.
  13. Sonderpa

    Sonderpa Member

    As far as I know, you can install Parallel Tools in Windows ME.
    It will only install the supported drivers.
    The video-driver is one of them.
  14. jbh001

    jbh001 Member

    Just tried Build 3186 and so far I still have the problem with Windows 98 hanging at shutdown/restart.

    In the process, I discovered that the problem diappears when I boot into safe mode. So there must be some driver/component that causes the system to hang at shutdown/restart that is not getting loaded when Windows 98 is started in safe mode.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2007
  15. jbh001

    jbh001 Member

    Hack for Windows 98 hanging at shutdown/restart

    While trying a clean install of Windows 98SE under Parallels Build 3186, the system hang at shutdown/restart was gone. . . until I installed Parallels vmtools. Then it reared ifs ugly head again. However, with this new information I started installing the vmtools one by one instead of all at once, and ended up isolating the problem to the Parallels SVGA video driver.

    Just to double check, I went to an old version of a Windows 98SE VM and rolled back the video driver to "Standard PCI Graphics Adapter (VGA)." After shutting down, the system froze again, I restarted, aborted ScanDisk, and made it to the Desktop. Then I clicked on shutdown again to test it, and it shut down completely without hanging.

    :( Downside: I'm stuck at 640x480x16 until Parallels fixes their video driver for Windows 98.
    :) Upside: No more having to manually stop the VM to shutdown + no more ScanDisk at every startup.

    :confused: Now if I could only get Build 3186 to recognize my USB flash drive like Build 1970 did. . .
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2007
  16. yknot

    yknot Bit poster

    win 95/98 install

    I am new to parallels and am trying to install win 95
    After inserting an original win95 cd i get the message: no boot device available, press enter to continue.
    When I do this I am back to where I was. Soooo where do I go

    The second question is: can I install a win 98 upgrade (original) directly or must I install 95 and upgrade from there?


  17. yknot

    yknot Bit poster

    Sounds simple enough But where in the world would I get a bootable copy os DOS or a disk image thereof??
    I may have some old floppies somewhere but no way to transfer them onto a laptop.
  18. jbh001

    jbh001 Member

    If you have an upgrade disk, you must have an operating system already installed in order to "upgrade".

    If you have a full install disk, no prior operating system is required. My full install disk of Windows 98 SE has printed right on it "For PCs without Windows". If you do not have this or similar language factory printed on your install disk, it is highly unlikely you have a "full install" disk, and most likely you have an "upgrade" disk--meaning you need to install DOS first then upgrade to Windows 95, or get Windows 95 installed, then upgrade to Windows 98.

    Take the time to read back through this thread and you'll find more than one option for just that.
  19. Linh My

    Linh My Junior Member

    None of the *.fdd images was recognized on my computer. Importing Win98 VM totally messed up Parallels and OSX 10.4.8. With a reinstall of Parallels and updating to OSX 10.4.9 this worked

    1) Create a Win98 folder on your Mac
    2) from download the DOS6.22.iso The 1.4meg *.iso file
    3) Create an *.iso from your Win98 boot disk
    4) Perhaps not needed, put some 1.4 meg *.fdd file in the Win98 folder
    5) Place both the Win98.iso and the DOS6.22.iso into the Win98 folder
    6) Run the "OS Installation Assistant" to create a typical Win98 virtual machine.
    7) After first attempt fails with no boot device,
    7a) set boot to CD first,
    7b) point CD to the DOS6.22.iso
    7c) point Floppy to the junk *.fdd file
    8) start Virtual machine
    9) run fdisk create dos partition accept all defaults
    10) restart Virtual machine
    11) from the CD (R: ?) run format c: /s
    12) after format is complete run from the CD xcopy *.* c:
    13) shut down Virtual Machine
    14) set boot to HD
    15) restart virtual machine
    16) Optional copy the Win98 directory from the CD to the HD
    17) CD into the Win98 Directory and run setup.
  20. yknot

    yknot Bit poster

    Finally got it working

    I used the 98seboot.fdd posted by Jim Waugh in conjunction with the instructions by drtimhill

    98seboot.fdd used as floppy ( activate connect at startup button )

    The rest come from a post by drtimhill

    Thanks guys

    NO Windows 9x (including Windows Me) CDROM is bootable (thanks, MS). You need to boot from a floppy and then prepare the HDD before running SETUP.EXE off the CDROM root folder. To make matters more idiotic, you need a recent (post DOS 6.22) boot floppy that can support FAT32 and large HD partitions.

    So, you need to:
    1. Locate a bootable DOS floppy disk image that supports large FAT32 paritions. The best candidate is the "Recovery Disk" floppy created during Windows 9x Setup (but of course you cannot run that yet!! -- I know, it's ridiculous). Or 98seboot.fdd used as floppy ( activate connect at startup button )

    2. Boot the VM using that floppy and also insert the WIndows CD. Make sure you choose to boot with CDROM support.

    3. You should now have several drive letters: A: will be the floppy, another will be a small Ramdisk with some tools on it, and another will be the CDROM. They will be C:, D: or E:. Try a DIR command to find each.

    4. Execute the FDISK command to partition the hard disk. You can pretty much walk through the defaults to create a single large partition (note: I advise keeping the HDD size to 2GB or less). At the end you will be told to reboot. Do so.

    5. Boot from floppy again and again choose CDROM support. After booting enter "FORMAT C:" to format the HD. The format process will run and at the end you get to name the volume (choose anything).

    6. If all has gone well, you should now be able to do a DIR C: and see an empty hard disk.

    7. Now, locate the CDROM image drive. It will be D: or E: Look for "SETUP.EXE' in the root.

    8. Switch to the CDROM drive ("CD D:" or "CD E:"), then enter "SETUP".

    9. Follow the Windows setup directions.

    Finally, on my copy of PW I had to tinker with the boot order settings to get it to boot from floppy: choose floppy boot first.

    Does anybody have any opinion as to whether XP is as terrible to install as Win98???


    After I got all this stuff done I installed Parallels Tools.... It totally screwed-up Windows
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2007

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