Making a USB flash drive visible to Windows.
I've given up on trying to get Windows 98SE trying to recognize my USB flash drive.
If you don't want to copy the contents of your flash drive to a folder within your home directory on the Mac (which is what I originally did), there is a way to hack the Mac OS to let Windows see the USB flash drive attached to your Mac.
But a simpler solution is to use the freeware program SharePoints to do this hacking for you.
With SharePoints, you give your flash drive a unique name, and then enable SMB so that Windows can see it. From Windows, you should then be able to read and write to the flash drive just as though it were any other drive on the Windows network. I thought the process was rather intuitive, but if you need more detail to make it work, let me know.
In my case, after sharing the flash drive on the Mac via SharePoints, I can point Windows to my Mac (e.g. \\jbhmacmini\) then click on the now-visible flash drive, and even drag a shortcut for it to my Windows desktop for easier navigation.
I now have two network links from my within my Parallels VM back to my Mac:
Last edited: Jan 21, 2008