Insufficient rights

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by meden199, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. meden199

    meden199 Guest

    I have a strange problem with the 2x client on my Ipad1 & Ipad2

    When I start the 2x console I can see my programs.
    When I try to start one of the programs the error :
    “2X connection error has been detected”
    “Insufficient rights available to service your request”

    Using the same account on a windows machine or a android phone the programs start normaly.

    The 2x server and the client are the latest version.

    Any idea how I can solve this problem?
  2. gs

    gs Guest

    Hi there,

    please open a ticket and provide follow information:

    1. Which 2x products do you use and which version + build?

    2. Please provide the first seven characters of your license key.

    3. Please provide the support files (ZIP archive) of the 2xServer.
    >>> Enable logging before or if done already DELETE the old logfile and reproduce the isse.

    4. Please switch off or uninstall all firewalls AND antivirus (!JUST for a test.).

    5. Which OS do you use on the terminal server and on the machine with the 2xServer(s)?

    6. Do you use virtual environments?
    >>> If yes, which one and which version?
    >>> Which machines are virtulised?

    7. How does the related network looks like, so we can set it up within our test lab and try to reproduce your issue as close as possible to your scenario?

    8. If available, please provide screenshots from all messages, errors etc. which can help to understand your verbal description better.

    9. Is the issue related to a particular software? If yes, which software and version?

    10. Does the problem appears in pattern (e.g. particular machine, particular user, particular time etc.)?

    Kind regards,

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