Hey Guys, Just wondering if there is an iPad Client app in the works? It seems that there are a few RDP clients out there that work just fine but i'm guessing a 2X Client on the iPad would be awesome. Cheers Tim
HI yes,2x ipad client is still being considered but no official release date has been set yet. Regards
Thank you for working on an iPad Client. We started using 2x last December and love it. A 2x iPad Client would really help us and I am sure it would help most of your other users as well.
As I am typing this reply from an iPad, I would really like a 2x client app. This would give me a low cost vdi solution that I could implement for my company. I have been testing a demo, and the 2x products show great promise. An iPad client app would make pretty much clinch it for me. Thanks.
i would hope that 2x would iron out the bugs in the web portal or the Java client before rolling out an Ipad client.
Any word on an IPAD client? This is a very needed client option. Customers see the citrix app and then ask...How about 2x? Thanks
hi Developers are still working on 2x iPad client Kindly keep an eye on http://downloads.2x.com/#appserver Regards
Any updated news on the 2x client for the iPad? Possible release date? I need the 2x client for my medical practice scheduling software to work on my iPad so I'm hoping it comes sooner than later. Thank for any info.
I work with a medical practice looking at implementing software that uses 2x. I think using a Ipad would be the best device for doctors. Any news on a timeline for a 2x client for Ipads.
We are a 500+ company looking to implement 2X across our company. It all hinges on the iPad client since most of the associates will be issued them if this is succesful
With all due respect, I was told that it would be "60 to 90 days" back in April and I told end users that timeframe based on that phone call. Is this 2 months realistic or just another target date?
So I checking in to see if there was any new info. regarding the 2X Client for the iPad. Forgive my multiple posts but this will make a big difference for our clinic once it is available. Any more concrete time frame? Is it still on target?
So here I am, promising my company tha we would be able to use the iPad for 2X, we have built a farm of 5 servers so far to get off of Citrix. Your sales person TOLD me 15 days and now nothing. I look like a monkey humping a football and you guys keep saying 2 months. Is there anyone with any accountability or credibility to actually answer this question?
Well I have been polite in these posts as I was hoping for an answer but right now let me say this SUCKS bigtime. We were told several times that the 2X for iPad would be available "very soon", actually told by October/November 2010. Now after a call it seems like the representative isn't even sure if it will be ready. She mentioned hopefully by some time mid NEXT YEAR. Holy shit, are you kidding me??? I'm not upset about it not being ready now but because I was told several times it would be ready "very soon" and "possibly by October/November 2010" I'm really hoping the representative just doesn't know the situation. PLEASE will someone at your company verify this and/or give us some REALISTIC time frame please?
HI 2X client should be availbile on itunes in around 14days as it is still waiting for itunes approval. Regards,