Ipad Networkdomain error2

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by dragon2611, Jul 7, 2011.

  1. dragon2611

    dragon2611 Guest

    I seem to be getting the network NetworkDomain Error2 whenever I try to connect to a windows 2008 R2 machine from the Ipad client.

    A server 2003 machine connects fine, i've tried putting my username in the format of user@domain but that doesn't make any difference.

    Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get this working for server 2008
  2. gs

    gs Guest

    Hi there,

    can you connect with a 2xClient for windows and MSTSC to the win2008 machine?

    Kind regards,
  3. dragon2611

    dragon2611 Guest

    I've relised what it was

    The windows 2008 machine was set to only allow versions of remote desktop with Network Level Authentication.

    I changed to allow any version of remote desktop and it works fine now.
  4. Denae Floch

    Denae Floch Guest

    As I am typing this reply from an iPad, I would really like a 2x client app. This would give me a low cost vdi solution that I could implement for my company. I have been testing a demo, and the 2x products show great promise. An iPad client app would make pretty much clinch it for me. Thanks.
  5. datachina

    datachina Guest

    so do i
  6. 2x-forum

    2x-forum Guest

    Hello all,

    I'm having the same error so it seemed logical not to open another topic for the same error. My apologies if someone disagrees for opening an “old” topic.

    I tested the earlier suggestion of gs and the connection works with the 2xclient for windows. I did however had to set the option "If authentication fails" to "warn" before it worked.
    The setting to allow only remote desktop with Network Level Authentication was not set on our server.
    The windows version I’m using is R2 Standard and the RDP connection is using TLS with a self signed certificate.
    On the iPad I changed the setting to "Accept All Certificates".

    What am I missing here?
    Any help would be appreciated.

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