iPadOS Client: Unexpected Selection and "Right-Click" Context Menu Activation on Higlighted Text

Discussion in 'Parallels Client for iOS' started by PeterWolf, Jul 15, 2022.

  1. PeterWolf

    PeterWolf Bit poster

    We are evaluating Parallels RAS for delivery of a legacy app to our users. The app seems to work fine when accessed from the HTML5 or Windows Parallels RAS clients, but when accessed from the iPadOS Parallels RAS client, any time that text is programmatically highlighted within the application a context dialog automatically appears as though the highlighted text had been selected and right-clicked (please see example below). This is happening irrespective of whether the app is published/accessed directly (a la RemoteApp) or accessed via a published desktop from the iPadOS Parallels RAS client.

    If anyone here has run into similar behavior and is a aware of any workarounds/settings that address the problem, feedback would be much-appreciated!


  2. jpc

    jpc Pro


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