iPhone will not connect through parallels

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by mediafly, Jun 30, 2007.

  1. DavidV

    DavidV Bit poster

    Parallels 5

    Can anyone who's upgraded (or heck, even Parallels themselves!) verify that the iPhone can't connect bug was fixed in 5.0?

    Also would be nice to know if the .NET 3.5 Framework can't-copy-paste in Windows XP bug was fixed in 5.0.
  2. BenjaminD

    BenjaminD Bit poster

    Waiting for the solution as well.
    Is it depends on the version of the firmware?
  3. KevinB100

    KevinB100 Bit poster

    it really works, on my Mac and on my Parallels too...
  4. KevinB100

    KevinB100 Bit poster

    see the #56 and #63

    hello W Bruce H
    Since last update of iTunes the syncronisation does not work properly.
    Right after the connection of iPhone to Mac ask to choose (Mac or Virtual machine). Under Windows, iTunes pop up the first window:
    "iTunes cannot sync information with the iPhone "Name" because syncing hase been disabled on this computer, Do you want to enable syncing? (if you do not...) (Yes/No)"

    When I click to yes then appear the nex window
    "iTunes was unable to load provider data from Sync Services. Reconnect os try again later."

    Do you know the solution?
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2010
  5. NylaR

    NylaR Bit poster

    Obviously, there are many reasons for this problem. You need to find out the reasons and exclude them one by one. In order to solve the problem that the iPhone can not connect.

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