Is it possible to directly use local drive C: in a remote session?

Discussion in 'Parallels Remote Application Server' started by VincentVegas, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. VincentVegas

    VincentVegas Bit poster

    I installed Parallels RAS on a Server 2019 VM and set the policies. Then I published several apps like LibreOffice, a PDF editor and our ERP. My goal is to keep it as simple as possible, so the users should be able to directly use their local c: drive, their documents, downloads section etc. Is that possible?
    Our ERP uses a script that exports data to c:\temp, which is further processed in other programs. This now ends up on the server drive and cannot be reached outside Parallels. Even worse, should more than one person use this script at the same time, they all write to the same folder.

  2. jpc

    jpc Pro

    All redirected drives in RDP have the path "\\tsclient\<drive_letter>". Mapping such drives to an actual drive letter is possible. However, generally speaking, mapping to "C:" drive on Windows is a bit problematic unless the RDSH server was installed on another drive letter (otherwise one can choose something like "V:").
    I would personally suggest to see if it is possible to change the path from "c:\temp" to at least a per-user path such as "c:\temp\<username>" or "%temp%\ErpTemp" or "\\tsclient\temp" (although using RDP drive redirection can be slow during reading/writing depending on the network conditions).

    Mapping the server-side documents/downloads/etc folders to point the user's local machines is (sadly) not something that RAS supports natively.
    In corporate environments, "user profile disks" or "FSLogix" are used to solve the issue of sharing documents/downloads/etc between different servers (while still giving the administrators control over where the data goes). A simpler alternative would be to have a NAS available for the users and then use GPO to map the documents/downloads/etc to specific per-user locations on it.

    Using RDP paths as mentioned above, the documents path would (in most cases) be "\\tsclient\<drive_letter>\users\<client-side-username>\Documents". In general, "<client-side-username>" is not known and depending on the client-side OS configuration "<drive_letter>" might not be "C". However, if these can be somehow known or removed from the path (such as using "\\tsclient\c\Remote\Documents"), then it can be worked around.
  3. VincentVegas

    VincentVegas Bit poster

    Thanks, we changed the path to D:\temp, which is a different folder for every user account on the file server.

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