My VMWare on Windows friends and co-workers all have a nifty console that has a column on the left side that lists and groups all of their virtual machines and lets them quickly and easily switch between them. Is there a similar interface that I can use for my Parallels VM's ??? Even a tabbed interface would be more convenient than what I have now.... which is just the Control Center and a bunch of independent Windows I have to continually resize and reposition when I want to switch machines. There must be a similar console view, right? I just don't know how to activate it, right? Or what the name of the utility is that provides this kind of view? Can someone please point me in the right direction....? Thanks.
Hi, could you provide us with a screenshot of such console please? Also please let us know, are you using your virtual machine in window or full screen mode?
I did a quick google image search for "VMWare console" and found this. This is the sort of thing I'd like to use for my Parallels VM's so that I can switch back and forth between them easily. I typically have 5-6 VM's open simultaneously (Windows Server 2012R2 mostly). I'm using MacOS Big Sur with an external 28" monitor on a MacBook Pro - so I'm looking for a MacOS tool/utility similar to the Windows one shown in the image below. Most of the time, I'd probably be running it n a window taking up about 2/3 of the 28" monitor. So far, the most usable workaround I've found is to maximize each of them and assign it to it's own "Space" - but a console like the one shown below would make things easier for me. I'd be surprised to learn that no such thing exists for Parallels VM's. I feel like it's out there but I just don't know what it's called or how to find it. Thanks.