Isolate Mac from Mac

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by edstrinova, Jun 25, 2023.

  1. edstrinova

    edstrinova Bit poster

    Hallo community,
    I know that it is possible to isolate Windows from Mac. Is it also possible to isolate Mac from Mac?

    I have a MacBook Pro 14'' with Ventura 13.3.1. On this machine there is parallels 18 installed with 3 VMs (Windows 11, Kali Linux and Mac OS 13). For Windows 11 and Kale Linux there is an options menu where I can set the option "insolate", on Mac there is no option button :(
    Bildschirmfoto 2023-06-25 um 19.58.09.png

    Can you help me?
  2. Ashley Chumun

    Ashley Chumun Staff Member

    Best Answer
    Thank you for your feedback.
    To Isolate your macOS virtual machine from your host macOS you need to disable sharing the host's home folder.
    Simply perform the steps below:
    1. Shut down your macOS virtual machine.
    2. Locate the virtual machine .macvm file: click on Parallels icon on top of the mac menu bar > Control Center > right-click on the virtual machine > Show in Finder.
    3. Right-click on the .macvm bundle > Show package contents.
    4. Locate the config.pvs file and open it in TextEdit: right-click config.pvs > Open With > Other, check the Enable All Applications option, select Text Edit, and click Open.
    5. Locate <ShareUserHomeDir>X</ShareUserHomeDir> parameter and change it from 1 (enabled) to 0 (disabled).
    6. Press Command+S to save the configuration.
    7. Start the macOS virtual machine again.
    After performing the above steps, your macOS virtual machine will be isolated from your host macOS.
    More details can be found in article :
  3. edstrinova

    edstrinova Bit poster

  4. Ashley Chumun

    Ashley Chumun Staff Member

    Best Answer
    Thank you for your feedback.
    To Isolate your macOS virtual machine from your host macOS you need to disable sharing the host's home folder.
    Simply perform the steps below:
    1. Shut down your macOS virtual machine.
    2. Locate the virtual machine .macvm file: click on Parallels icon on top of the mac menu bar > Control Center > right-click on the virtual machine > Show in Finder.
    3. Right-click on the .macvm bundle > Show package contents.
    4. Locate the config.pvs file and open it in TextEdit: right-click config.pvs > Open With > Other, check the Enable All Applications option, select Text Edit, and click Open.
    5. Locate <ShareUserHomeDir>X</ShareUserHomeDir> parameter and change it from 1 (enabled) to 0 (disabled).
    6. Press Command+S to save the configuration.
    7. Start the macOS virtual machine again.
    After performing the above steps, your macOS virtual machine will be isolated from your host macOS.
    More details can be found in article :
  5. edstrinova

    edstrinova Bit poster

    Thank You. Worked perfect!

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