I have customized the .msi for the App Server Client with ORCA and assigned the application to computers in my domain. When the app gets installed on the next restart the server and backupserver are blank as if I was using the default .msi. When I install interactivly using the same .msi I used to assign the app all the settings are there. Anyone see this before/know how to fix it. Using AD running on W2k3 Servers with all R2 schema updates. AD is running in Windows 2000 native mode.
Seen it too I have also seen this. I modified the MSI and then assigned it, but the changes did not stick. Potentially a MST will work instead of modifying the MSI. I am going to attempt this.
I have established the problem, however, will need to be fixed by 2x. When deploying the application all app settings are written to HKCU portion of the registry, however, when the app is being installed there is no user logged on so there is nothing to write to the registry. I'm thinking the best method to fix this is to have the app write it's settings to HKLM portion of the registry during the install, that could be the "default" settings for the application. If it's modified by a user then the changes are written to HKCU and a compare would have to take place between HKCU and HKLM when starting the applicaiton to determine what the users' actual settings would be.
A workaround for this problem till an update for this issue: *** Using MS AD 2003 *** Assign the software installation with 'User Configuration' in the group policy settings. [Instead of assigning with 'Computer Configuration'] Select Deployment Method: Advanced Deployment Type: Assigned Deployment options: Install this application at Logon - These options would solve the problem mentioned in the previous posts. The only concern about this workaround is that this type of policy needs to be assigned to users. The problem with [computer assigned policies] is that 'Auto-install ... ' is the only deployment option method allowed and this would cause problems for 2X ApplicationServer client registry settings.
Hi there - any idea when this issue will be resolved? I am planning a large scale deployment via group policy and i need to edit the properties of the application. Richard
Yes this issue is already fixed and currently it is being tested (internally). It will be available next week as a beta version. I'll give you more details when this is available. (next week)
Please find the latest beta release which fixes the mentioned issue. [BUILD 142] http://downloads.2x.com/AppServer-LoadB ... Client.msi With this release the registry settings are installed in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\2X\AppServerClient by default [This is kind of template] Then each installation for each client; the registry settings will be copied from the HKLM to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\2X\AppServerClient [these will be changed according to the client settings].