Hi, I got Windows 10 in Parallels (Business) on my 2012's Mac Book Retina (German keyboard layout). So far it works very well, besides this problem here. I'm programmer and I need a lot of smaller-than and greater-than characters. For some reason, when I type on the < Key (> with shift, ≤ with alt) it renders ^ (° with shift, „ with alt) in Windows 10 and back, basically those two buttons are swapped. It is very frustrating, because I cannot even remap those keys of my virtual machine in my Parallels Desktop Preferences. I was able to add those keys, but they are ignored. How can I solve this issue? Thx.
Same with me. Two tickets opened on PD support. No usefull answer so far. All I got was "reinstall PD tools". Did that. No change. But I have another installation on my MBP where I do not see this issue. On my MBA I cannot solve it.
Parallels Support was very helpful! My solution was this comannd in terminal: defaults write 'com.parallels.Parallels Desktop' 'HID Host Hook.Force Kbd Type' -int 2Now the keys are again there where they should be! Thanks Paralles!