Hi John,
The steps are in the post #29 directly above yours.
- Start a new document in Windows MS Office Word (either version Office 2003 or 2007, both exhibit the symptom. I didn't bother testing the older Office XP.)
- Press the Caps Lock key to turn it on.
- Begin typing the word "hELLO" by holding the shift key for the first character, then letting go for the rest.
- After pressing the spacebar or typing a punctuation character the MS Word Auto-correct feature changes the word to "Hello "
At this point your caps lock light is out of sync. Having it lit produces lower case by default, whereas having it off produces caps lock. The caps lock works normally back in MacOS apps, but not in Windows.
Fortunately, a workaround for the moment is that the same procedure can be followed to reverse the caps lock light back to normal.
I think you'll be able to reproduce this on your systems.
One of my clients complained about this to me and I replicated it on my laptop. He's got an iMac (early 2008) with a similar software setup to mine.
Here's my setup in which I reproduced it.
MacBook Pro, 2 GHz, 2 GB RAM
MacOS 10.5.5
Parallels 3 build 5608
Windows XP SP3
MS Office 2003
MS Office 2007
- Peter
Mark -- I tried having the caps lock key on when I start Parallels. I started it up, then opened WordPad and typed. The letters came out in upper case as they should. I must have left out some detail that I didn't replicate. What am I not getting right with that?
GOT IT, MARK -- The trouble you saw is only reproduced when using an external keyboard. I plugged one in & tried your scenario.
Try the MS Office steps to fix it. That's much easier than restarting Windows, of course.
- Open a new document in Windows MS Word
- With the caps lock key lit, type the 'h'
- turn the caps lock to off, and type the rest of the letters 'ello' letting the word show as "hELLO"
- press the spacebar or a period or comma or some such word termination
At this point MS Word's autocorrect feature (presuming you didn't turn that feature off) will change the word to "Hello " and your caps lock blinky will be sync'd correctly with the upper/lower case status correctly.
Last edited: Oct 27, 2008